The only way to restore trust is for Congress to remove Comey and prosecute Clinton – IOTW Report

The only way to restore trust is for Congress to remove Comey and prosecute Clinton


It’s time to make an example of one of them – and Comey is the obvious candidate.

After seeming to seal her fate by counting off all the laws she broke with her servers and emails, and exposing an array of lies – Comey announced the unthinkable. He allowed the Clintons to escape justice once again. This has got to stop.

How to remove a Director of the FBI.

The left-wing website Slate wrote about it years ago when they were upset with
FBI Director Robert Mueller who was serving a ten-year term. Kate Taylor wrote about two ways to dump Mueller. The first is a firing by the President:

The president may remove a director with adequate cause. President Clinton dismissed Director William Sessions halfway through his term on charges that Sessions misused official resources—such as using FBI aircraft for personal trips.

With Obama in office, forget that one. As Comey was letting Clinton off the hook, she was flying aboard Air Force One with Obama, at taxpayer expense, to a campaign rally. Obama talks about “the right thing” but he rarely does it and never would in this case. So let’s move to the Congress:

Congress can also remove an FBI director by impeachment. Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution says that any civil officer can be removed if the Senate convicts him of “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” A two-thirds vote is required for conviction.

So members of Congress should act, or at least try to make this right. They won’t. The only way our American system of laws can be upheld is for Donald Trump to be elected president and promptly name a special prosecutor to revive the case against Hillary Clinton and see justice done.


15 Comments on The only way to restore trust is for Congress to remove Comey and prosecute Clinton

  1. do you really think the “former” Clinton supporter who privately met with Bill prior to running for office will actually prosecute this witch? You can say all you want about how he is a better choice than her and …. but I would not hang my hat on any promise he makes to actually indict her.

  2. These crimes against America will not get a pass.
    I know the elites don’t give a shit about the possibility of a civil war because they will just go to their deep bunkers and come back up after the population is thinned. But they have to emerge sometime. And justice will be served, one way or another. It is our duty to oust the traitors. This is treason and these are the tyrants our Founding Fathers warned us about.

  3. I think the problem is, honesty is relative. A person known as “honest” and a straight shooter in D.C. couldn’t be trusted to sell used cars in the rest of the country.

  4. Let’s be straight here. Defeating Hillary is job one. Once she’s defeated she will no longer run for office and will fade into the woodwork.

    Yeah I know we’d all like to get our pound of flesh and prosecute her to the fullest, but will Hillary in jail advance our cause? Having her disappear like the wicked witch would be good enough for me

    There are plenty of substantive policy issues that will need our attention and another Clinton show trial would simply distract from that.

    Doing an idealogical purge of all federal agencies and those bureaucrats is more worthy of our time. Get rid of their regulations, etc. it’s going to take all of our efforts just to do that.

  5. Comey’s face says it all; he was ordered to shut the hell up. The Lynch/Clinton meeting and obama’s prejudicial statements plus having her on AF1-all point directly to some type of directive to Comey to reach the conclusion he did. His stating all of the crimes and lies, is his out. I personally think he is being blackmailed or his loved ones are being held hostage.

  6. If she got convicted before Obama was out of office, he would pardon her and then she couldn’t be re-tried when Trump gets into office. I know prosecutions don’t take place that fast, unless bummer wanted it. Yes, I realize that Trump’s hands could be tied from prosecuting her by the Ryans et al.

  7. @MM
    Really. Besides the political reason, where is the treason, bribery, high crime, misdemeanor or anything else that leads to impeachment? I don’t trust Comey, but the writer of the article was smoking something really fine.

    Comey was one of the investigators into Whitewater, et al. The investigation blasted her. But the proseutors decided not to indict her becuase with her high profile they thought it would be too hard to prosecute. Comey did that.

    Judicial Watch has it all. Just search clinton whitewater.

  8. What? Congress do something?
    That’ll be the day.
    Talk about a bunch of weak sisters, they don’t even stand up when their duties and responsibilities require them to do so. The Courts, President and agencies legislate, ignore and change the very laws Congress passes. They do nothing. That’s what they have become known for, doing nothing.

  9. Maybe I’m attributing altruism or even fear of the elitists to a person who doesn’t deserve it when I try to figure out why Comey came down on helliar’s side. Someone posted this on another site, and here it is for what it’s worth.

    “Comey Oversaw Drug Cartel Money Laundering Operations As a Top Executive At HSBC Bank”

  10. Trump needs to highlight the cases of regular people who are being prosecuted and convicted for similar, but lesser, offenses than Hillary’s. And flog every seamy detail of her grifting which is leaked.

    No need for a bunch of GOPers to grandstand around Comey’s carcass, trying to score political points to stay in power. And as far as prosecuting Hillary, I swear to god she thrives on that. I woder how much she pocketed from the original Clinton Legal Defense Fund. Yes, millennials, there is such a thing as the CLDF.

    Congress lost any credibility in taking scalps when they tucked their tails and averted their gaze from Ben Rhodes. Stop chasing squirrels and do something about illegals.

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