America celebrated its 240th blood drenched birthday – IOTW Report

America celebrated its 240th blood drenched birthday

This student obviously passed his class with flying colors. In fact, the pony-tailed professor probably nominated him for an award of some sort.

I was going to fisk this, but why should I have all the fun?


Kai Jones- Ahhh, the Fourth of July. A day where most of us get a day off to celebrate how our country violently rebelled against our mother country Britain, so that wealthy white American men could carry out genocide against the indigenous, build a country on black people’s backs, and force women to be eye candy and servants. Gotta love America!

On Monday, America celebrated its 240th blood drenched birthday. And most of us celebrated with fireworks and consuming all sorts of meat products. We celebrate a day when America proclaimed it’s freedom, as it called an entire group of people “property.” And not much has changed. Muslims are terrorist, Mexicans are “wetbacks”, illegals, blacks are criminals, women are equal yet paid less, and if you have sex with anyone that’s not conventional you don’t deserve rights.

But “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave” right? Wrong. The only people free are wealthy white men, because everyone else faces some sort of oppression. Hardly anyone in America is actually brave, because they don’t want to fight for what’s right. Everyone in America is perfectly fine with what happens, and when someone calls for change, people get afraid and call for them to be knocked off their podium.

Take Jesse Williams for instance. He stands up, calls for equality and accountability, and then someone feels the need to make a petition to call for him to be fired. A half-African-American man calls out the bigoted racist system that oppresses so many black people and he’s the racist. But as Jesse Williams said, ”If you have a critique for the resistance, for our resistance, then you better have an established record of critique of our oppression.”

Moving forward, my beef is not with the Fourth of July, as I enjoy the day off and spending time with my family, and fireworks and food. But plain and simple I have a problem with the attitude of the people who celebrate the Fourth with this patriotic, fake “I love America” attitude.

I understand that this attitude is mainly contributed by the people with white privilege, but celebrating a country that oppresses multiple sections of people is wrong. It’s like celebrating a serial rapist’s birthday. Because America did rape the Native Americans and the African continent and it’s people.

America is a great country…for some. But for people like me, it is a failing country that could use vast improvements.

ht/ fdr in hell

12 Comments on America celebrated its 240th blood drenched birthday

  1. Don’t like it here, Sunshine? Cuba’s only 90 miles away. Free medical care, too. When you get there, be sure to write an opinion paper like this one, listing any faults you may happen to find in that island Paradise. I hear they’re really appreciative of any constructive criticism from folks like you. Helps them to improve things, you know.

    Buh-bye, and don’t forget to drop us a postcard.


  2. I’ll chip in to buy this person who knows everything, but understands nothing, a one-way ticket to his country of choice.
    Did I mention that there’s one caveat? We’re going to drop him off at his destination without landing. And he’ll be dropped off without a parachute.
    Happy Landing!

  3. “I enjoy the day off with family and friends with food and fireworks…”

    First, looking at your pic you certainly do enjoy a bounty of food, lardass. A truly uncaring society would only allow you to enjoy the food you earned. I’m thinking that I’ve been picking up your dinner tab your entire life, you ungrateful slob.

    Second, you used the word “enjoy”. You are such a put upon miserable son of s bitch that you don’t enjoy anything. You’re resentfulness towards others due to your personal failures makes you seethe at those who actually enjoy the fruits of the labor.

    The USA actually created a country in Africa called Liberia for you to return to. But your ancestors opted to stay here.

    So now we’ve got you. That there is a white privilege I could do without.

  4. Oh hell this privileged whiney millennial goes to ECU where I got my undergrad degree many years ago. What a taint, blight and butt boil he is.

    Dear Kai, I have a country for you, the Ivory Coast. It’s a VFW country, very few whites, with a ruling class of Muslims. You’ll love it. The average annual income is in the 4 figures.

    I taught math in Ferkeseedougou years ago while a (gasp!)Baptist hospital was just being built
    until getting dysentery from contaminated well water. The medical facilities for treatment were non-existent so I was air vaced to Washington DC. Not to worry, the water and sanitation systems are much worse now after the destruction of the last civil war.

    Yes, 2 bloody civil wars with African against African, Muslim vs. Christian, preceded by a bloody coup. They need you Kai. You can spew all day long as you help rebuild the basic infrastructure destroyed by rampaging African. Just don’t find yourself in need of medical care beyond first aid basics.

    And another thing, don’t expect any admiring fans or discussions of your work because these days the majority of adult Ivorians are illiterate. Few children go to school, especially not girls. Of course you’re free to advise the Muslim government on how to rectify that.

    One last thing to ponder as you leave this awful country called the USA. Enslavement of Africans is still occurring in record numbers. The enslavers continue to be other black Africans and Arabs.
    The Ivorians I met were decent hard working people who often stated American Blacks are lazy and squandering their existence. I wonder what they would make of you Kai?
    Enjoy the journey.

  5. If white people were as awful as this racist halfwits thinks, he would already be dead, perhaps even aborted by real evil white people, leftists. Perhaps he’d enjoy life better in some African paradise like Chad.

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