Rep. Corrine “Go Gatahs” Brown to face federal charges – IOTW Report

Rep. Corrine “Go Gatahs” Brown to face federal charges

JACKSONVILLE, Fla.—Fifth District Congresswoman Corrine Brown (D-Fla.) has been indicted on charges likely related to her involvement with an unregistered charity in Virginia and appear in Jacksonville Federal Court Friday, multiple sources have confirmed to First Coast News.

First Coast News has learned Brown will appear before a federal magistrate judge Friday afternoon.

First Coast News has reached out to Brown’s office for comment from the congresswoman but we have yet to hear from her. However, close associates say she is “strong” and “not worried” about the indictment.

Brown has been in her Capitol Hill office all afternoon and has not spoken to reporters gathered in her office.

The indictments are sealed, and details are sketchy, but may stem from Brown’s involvement in a group called “One Door for Education,” which advertised itself as a charity, but was never a registered nonprofit.

ht/ TheBigOwe

16 Comments on Rep. Corrine “Go Gatahs” Brown to face federal charges

  1. Wait! Isn’t this racist? The Hildebeast gets off but she is facing charges. Just can’t wait til she throws in her winning ticket, the race card.and if course they are all dems!

  2. Don’t confuse me with facts.
    Scary – under redistributing, they have moved her spaghetti district to a Jacksonville to Tallahassee route instead of Jacksonville to Orange County. We get her for now.

  3. Give me a fuckin’ break! They can’t even put that lying white bitch in handcuffs, ain’t no way in hell they would ever bring a BLACK FEMALE DEMOCRAT CONGRESSPIECEOFSHIT to justice!

  4. Maybe she can ax her life corch and her loweryahs what to do in this scenarial when nex tahm she’s in Flarduh.

    Wun, two three fo five. White man ain’t gon take me alive!
    GO GATAS!!!

  5. She’s been in and out of trouble on a number of occasions with the ethics committee and also thrown the race card more then a few times. I wonder whether the Dems will sacrifice her to take the heat off the Clinton travesty. Don’t think I’d want to be in her shoes when the DNC call block her phone number.

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