Hillary, “Careless, stupid, grossly negligent, unsophisticated.” She’s Got My Vote!! – IOTW Report

Hillary, “Careless, stupid, grossly negligent, unsophisticated.” She’s Got My Vote!!


So, is Hillary a liar, or is she an incompetent? Or both?

11 Comments on Hillary, “Careless, stupid, grossly negligent, unsophisticated.” She’s Got My Vote!!

  1. True story:
    The night Hillary clinched the nomination the Twilight Zone episode on MeTV was ‘The Howling Man.’
    Ancient folk saying: “You can catch the Devil, but you can’t hold him long.” Ask Brother Jerome. Ask David Ellington. They know, and they’ll go on knowing to the end of their days and beyond – in the Twilight Zone.

  2. As unsatisfactory as Hillary not being indicted is maybe keeping this outrage going will ultimately be worth it. If Isreal had hacked her email now would be a great time to start leaking some emails. I would think that Hillary is their last choice for president and if they can help bury her they need to start.

  3. I find it rather interesting that the MSM and Hillary aren’t making snide victory statements, over and over and over. After Benghazi, they used her ‘exoneration’ endlessly.

    It is not over, and I think Comey left the door wide open, despite having been forced to make the most contrary statements. ‘No reasonable prosecutor would prosecutor’ yea, more like he was directly told by Lynch and Obama, that no Obama prosecutor would do so!

    By not pushing it, he left it all open, especially with his statements. Had she been prosecuted, Obama would have pardoned her or protected her, like he did, ILLEGALLY, Eric Holder. Or she would have been found not guilty and double jeopardy would have protected her.

  4. She will never debate Trump. She’ll come up with something like “By sharing the same stage as him,I’d be insulting women, Mexicans, etc…” She’ll take her chances dealing with that fallout instead of a huge TV audience hearing, maybe for the first time, the litany of her crimes.

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