Lynch Gives Shout-Out to Black Lives Matter: ‘Do Not Be Discouraged’ – IOTW Report

Lynch Gives Shout-Out to Black Lives Matter: ‘Do Not Be Discouraged’

Breitbart: Members of the Black Lives Matter movement should not get “discouraged by those who would use your lawful actions as a cover for their heinous violence,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Friday.

Her encouragement of the radical movement came a few hours after five officers were gunned down and six were wounded by an African-American radical attacker during a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas.

Throughout her Friday statement, she zig-zagged between her calls for more political protests, her suggestions that cops should be blamed for the high number of African-Americans killed during interactions with law enforcement, and her calls for less violence during political protests.

“After the events this week, Americans across the country are feeling a sense of helplessness, of uncertainty, of fear. Now, these feelings are understandable and they are justified. But the answer must not be violence. The answer must never be violence,” Lynch said.

“Rather, the answer must be action: calm, peaceful, collaborative and determined action. Calm, peaceful, collaborative and determined action. We must continue working to build trust between communities and law enforcement. We must continue working to guarantee every person in this country equal justice under the law,” she said.

She played up the administration’s pre-election focus on gun control, instead of the political conflicts that spur violence. “And we must take a hard look at the ease at which wrongdoers can get their hands on deadly weapons, and the frequency with which they use them,” she said.

Like many officials, Lynch also implied moral equivalence between the deliberately murdered officers in Dallas and the suspects killed by other police officers on duty.  more

16 Comments on Lynch Gives Shout-Out to Black Lives Matter: ‘Do Not Be Discouraged’

  1. Hey Lynch

    “Confirmed – Philando Castile Was an Armed Robbery Suspect – False Media Narrative Now Driving Cop Killings…”

    “Police officers in: Dallas (link), Tennessee (link), Missouri (link) and Georgia (link) have been Shot or killed in the past 24 hours as a result of a false narrative driven by the Black Lives Matter movement. It is important to get the truth out quickly.”

  2. Yes, go now and peacefully loot and burn the white devil cities, we will look the other way.
    P.S. we’re paying $18 an hour for rioters now, so pick up an application at the nearest democratic party headquarters.

  3. Seriously, this morning there were 3 shooters and over 30 rounds fired. Now it’s one shooter, a veteran, using a freaking 10 shot sks.

    What’s the deal? Don’t believe any of it.

  4. Anything to widen the division and animosity Obama has created for 7 1/2 years.
    US Attorney General, Chief law enforcement officer for the Nation?? More like general chief agitator, instigator and cheerleader for the BLM terrorists. She is a racist through and through, that’s why Eric Holder and Lynch were placed there.

    Comey and his 150 lackey FBI agents will back her up with frivolous investigations of Local and State Police departments.
    Government gone wild, when will we see all the Armed Federal Agencies run protection for BLM.

  5. Do not be discouraged just because a black racist decided to kill 5 innocent white people… “we will overcome”.


  6. PJ.

    The ‘truth’ does not matter. The dictator Obama, and his minions will tell you the truth, as they dictate it, read by the obamabots; Earnest, Kirby, etc. (At least they got rid of the Barbiebots. They couldn’t manage to read the script.)

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