I Do Believe Fox Was Punked By a Woman Posing as a Gun Expert, No? – IOTW Report

I Do Believe Fox Was Punked By a Woman Posing as a Gun Expert, No?

I think Jennifer Barrenger was a hoaxer, no?

If not, we are in serious trouble. It is very difficult to fight the people trying to strip 2A if these are the experts.


ht/ bad brad

This is right up there with this Captain Janks clip:

42 Comments on I Do Believe Fox Was Punked By a Woman Posing as a Gun Expert, No?

  1. These idiots are talking about a Picatiny rail attachment to mount on your bolt gun do you can reattach your scope. After all the scopes the difference between a single shot hunting rifle and a double shot scoped assault rifle. This level of intelligence is the same as the people that are righting our gun laws. DO NOT COMPLY. An FB site was just forwarded to me by one of my cop buddies, COPS THAT WON’T COMPLY.

  2. Brad: “After all the scopes the difference between a single shot hunting rifle and a double shot scoped assault rifle.”

    Brad, you gotta’ tell me what a “double shot scoped assault rifle” is. I been fuckin’ with weapons for over forty years and ain’t run up on that piece of hardware yet.

  3. Brad whenever I see blondes discussing stuff beyond their scope I always wonder if there isn’t a roast beef in the oven that needs watching, or a wash to do, or something, any phucking thing!

  4. I have a short double barrel 12 gauge shot gun that can shoot both barrels at the same time, it doesn’t have any scope mounts or scope, is that a double shot? I have possessed this shot gun for over 20 years and have shot both barrels with 3″ 00 Buck at the same time ~ “once”. I’m a fast learner. I don’t look good in red, yellow, purple and black.

  5. “As long as you have a rifle that has a clip and it’s not a situation where your bullet actually has to be ejected in between, like a single action rifle.”




    A liberal’s ignorance on parade. Don’t care what political affiliation she may claim – she’s a liberal by empirical evidence.

    Probably convinced she’s smarter than everyone else, too. The damn cherry on top of this crap pie-ala-mode.

  6. Purpose of this blatant disregard for the facts:

    Demonize even those dearest of deer rifles passed down from great grandpas everywhere.

    So much for: “I’m not coming after your hunting rifles”.

    Attempting narrative shift to: “Hunting rifles are just as bad”

    Count on it happening more often. The masses are mush brained, for the most part.

  7. @MoeTom, I wouldn’t let that 1st class idiot near my kitchen. She would burn the house down in minutes.

    I can’t find any record of any one in ballistics with that name. Where the Hell did they find her? Perhaps the women’s room of one of those mystery grocery stores selling scopes and adapters?

  8. To be completely fair, the video described the woman as a “forensics expert”, not a gun or weapons expert. Had they been asking her questions about forensics, she probably would have done fine. The mistake FOX News made was asking her about things of which she knoweth not, and the mistake she made was trying to answer them when she should have said was “I’m sorry, but that is outside my area of expertise”.

    But I guess it’s hard to resist going on national TV and getting your fifteen minutes of fame.

    Ya know?


  9. Eugenia I’m sure you would not let her in your kitchen. But I’ll bet you can put a mean roast on the table with all the trimmings and handle an AR-15 with the best. Am I right?

  10. Vietvet. Sorry let’s not be fair. She went on the air as an expert and tried to bullshit she way through the interview. The trouble here is that the two foxes dinnonuttin neither.

  11. I got a concealed carry 105mm Howitzer, that, frankly, I’m afraid to take out of its holster, now. Oh, yeah, it’s a rapid-fire, scoped, and fully automatic (if you use the bullet-button), which is great for squirrel, deer, and skinks.
    (I bought it from a down-and-out wino who lives behind the gas station)

    Haven’t found any more ammo for it – so I use it sparingly.

    Can I get a gig on FoxNews?

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. @Moe Tom: I only meant to be fair in the sense that she was not a gun expert, nor was she ever described as one. Therefore, she should not be criticized for her lack of knowledge in that area. I also pointed out that Fox acted stupidly for treating her as one, and she acted stupidly for trying to bluff her way through the interview. To condemn her as a stupid “gun expert” is as incorrect as her trying to act like one.

  13. Vietvet. You’re just a nice forgiving guy. Me? not so much anymore. I used to be, but these last seven and a half years have just knocked most of the goodness out of me. I now have a very low threshold for most TV “experts” on anything.

  14. @MoeTom, yep, roast with all trimmings including the best pie ever. I do have and shoot, not in the house so far, an Armalite M-15 DSR15. A little over 6 pounds, accurate and affordable.

    @Bad_Brad, Pictures of that Flash Bang are gonna’ cost ya’.
    Those TD’s, I guess whoever got tired of playing with himself hands on style and is using the TD for his/her kicks now.

  15. In the interest of clearing up some misconceptions as to the features of an “assault weapon”, let me present this:


    Note this chart reflects current regulations in Calif. which are due to change substantially in the near future.(Thanks, jerry.)
    Other grab-happy libtard States may have similar restrictions.
    It appears the new CA laws contain no grandfather clauses, and will redefine formerly approved rifles as Assault Weapons.

    Thanks again, jerry.

  16. @Moe Tom: You might be right. I do tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. But I can be very unforgiving if I’m pretty sure that someone is doing something out of evil, malicious intent.

    P.S. – Sorry about your goodness. For what it’s worth, I don’t think it’s been knocked out of you; maybe just suppressed. It could make a comeback on or about 1/20/17, depending on the circumstances.

    If you know what I mean.


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