And Now, The Bitter Truth – IOTW Report

And Now, The Bitter Truth

18 Comments on And Now, The Bitter Truth

  1. Trouble is the ghetto rats leave their area and affect normal people on the outside. Then white cop shoots black thug, and then niggas go wild and tear shit up. I do believe it’s obama’s game plan.

  2. Wait, is this implying that cops are actually patrolling places like the south side of Chicago or Cherry Hill, Brooklyn and Park Heights in Baltimore?? Because if they are, they’re not doing it right.

  3. While I generally favor the police, like any group of government employees they suffer from their fair share of corruption and sloth.
    The sloth is even worse than the corruption in many areas, like here in Oakland. Just try getting a cop to even ticket an abandoned car, much less tow it. The crappier a place looks, the more the two legged rats feel at home, but, for the most part, they can’t be bothered to help those of us that want it cleaned up.

  4. @johns. Maybe they’ve given up on Oakland. It’s been a cesspool since the 70s. I know there are (or were) nice sections, but a lot of it has been terrible for over 50 years.

  5. Don’t want to start any shit, but what’s the point of putting a ticket on an abandoned car?

    It’s fucking ABANDONED! The owner no longer owns it! He doesn’t Give a Shit.

    Sell it to the scrap guy for $200.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It happened in NYC, Chicago and Baltimore. Cops will slow down, stand back and wait it out. Anybody still wondering why so many young black men are murdering each other? Because they can, and nobody, including blacks, could care less. Who’s really at fault?

  7. “Don’t want to start any shit, but what’s the point of putting a ticket on an abandoned car?”

    It’s the first legal step to towing it away. Last chance to keep it. No response? Gone.

    That’s the point. Always has been. They do it every day.

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