Obama Discusses Threats To Our Democracy – IOTW Report

Obama Discusses Threats To Our Democracy

Black people targeting whites for death is not a threat to our democracy, nor is the motivation easy to untangle. Whites targeting blacks is a threat to our nation, and it’s straight up racism.


19 Comments on Obama Discusses Threats To Our Democracy

  1. It’s particularly difficult “to untangle the motives of the shooter” when the perp expresses hatred toward white cops and wants to kill them. By that he means its difficult to change around what he directly says and writes so it sounds as its all the white cop(s) fault. BLM is an unindicted co-conspirator in all of this.

  2. obummer is in total denial. It’s never the perps fault especially if they’re black or a muzzie or any other protected victim group. I don’t see very many if any whites going around shooting and killing police indiscriminately just for the hell of it. Welcome to Bizarro world where up is down, right is wrong black is white and nothing make a damned bit of sense anymore. I want barry gone now and shrillary and the democraps as well.

  3. I’m a real buttoned-down kind of guy and normally I wouldn’t propose this, but I think a few thousand people need to show up at the White House entrance next January when Obugger finally leaves.

    We all drop trou and show him ass as “the last full measure” of America’s respect.


  4. I can’t stand the sound of his voice anymore and I knew it’d be another of his finger wagging lectures, so I didn’t watch it. Sorry. Masochism isn’t my bag.

  5. Who says Obola is not the perpetrator of this assassination of police in TX !?

    It was a timed distraction from his AG and his Sec of State totally soiling themselves in public.

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