FBI Insiders Question Comey Decision on Hillary – IOTW Report

FBI Insiders Question Comey Decision on Hillary

Where are the forthcoming resignations I heard about?

Sharyl Attkisson reports:

FBI Pros Question Decision Not to Charge Hillary Clinton

This week, FBI Director James Comey testified that Hillary Clinton and her aides had compromised classified information in an extremely careless fashion, exposed it to hostile adversaries, violated public records law, destroyed public documents (some permanently, so that they cannot be forensically recovered) and that Clinton made repeated false statements in public about her actions. But, he concluded, no charges should be filed. Clinton apparently told the FBI she didn’t understand classified markings and all the technology at issue, and that she didn’t know she was doing anything wrong. And the FBI takes her at her word.

  • Why wasn’t Clinton’s interview recorded? On May 22, 2014 the Justice Department announced a substantial change in policy “creating a presumption that FBI…agents will electronically record,” expressing a preference for video recordings over audio. “It appears to me they made a deal not to record,” says one observer, which flies in the face of the idea that Clinton was treated like anybody else.
  • Typically it’s the U.S. Attorney’s office, not FBI agents, deciding whether charges will be filed. “Director Comey seems to have taken on responsibilities far beyond the FBI’s purview–he assumed the duties of the Agent, US Attorney and Grand Jury.”

More at Legal Insurrection

14 Comments on FBI Insiders Question Comey Decision on Hillary

  1. The fix was in – from the beginning.
    The “investigation” was just window dressing.
    I really thought they’d go with a misdemeanor charge, to, at the very least, give some semblance of “justice,” but I guess even that was too much.

    The lines are drawn. Murder, corruption – NOTHING will stand in the way of the furtherance of the socialist agenda. NOTHING.

    I also guess that the possibility of drawing Obola into it was a major factor – he was the primary actor in Benghazi, after all.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It cost at least $225K to have Hillary speak, recordings are not allowed.
    As far as the resignations, the bus was in the shop. As soon as she can get it there, she’ll throw as many as she can under it.

  3. It is believed that J.Edgar Hoover had a dossier on all these caitiffs. But never used them. Now it seems that the caitiffs have
    dossiers on all federal employees from the Supreme Court to the White House guards. I hope Trump can clean this cesspool out.

  4. Comey stated that of the 150 FBI agents working on Hillary’s e-mail investigation there was NOT ONE dissenting voice as to the decision not to recommend indictment.
    So who are these so-called FBI insiders, why haven’t they come forward? Like Comey and the other FBI hacks, they willingly put their personal interests and careers ahead of the Law and Nation.
    This Nation is in want and need of a Patriot who will come forward and stand for Law and Equal Justice.
    Will we continue to hear crickets from the FBI “professionals”? I suspect so.

  5. They could not record Saturday’s “interview” with Her Highness since its purpose, most likely, was to finalize the decisions made the week before between AG Lynch and Bubba. Since, in my opinion, the law was most likely being broken nobody would want a recording of the meeting. Wink, wink, nothing to see here just move on!!

  6. Classic case of groupthink, no one felt able to dissent, probably because the higher ups let it be known that the only ones at risk of punishment were the underlings.

  7. What Comey didn’t say was that there were actually 180 agents working on the investigation. Thirty of them dissented. Nobody can find the thirty dissenters anymore….

  8. Occam’s Razor kids.
    No mass conspiracy or group think needed. Nor need everyone to be corrupt and subject to blackmail.
    Digging further into it might actually help Hillary.
    Note that Soetoro has become Hillary’s manservant of late.
    This leads all the way to the top, and a sitting president cannot be indicted by the FBI. Their hands are tied, and Congress is not going to start impeachment procedures.

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