Obama Deploys and Keeps Thousands of Troops Around His Better, Safer, More Peaceful World – IOTW Report

Obama Deploys and Keeps Thousands of Troops Around His Better, Safer, More Peaceful World

USA Today – 8400 Troops For Afghanistan

Washington Times – Obama to deploy 1,000 troops to Poland

Guardian-  US to send 560 more troops to Iraq.

ht/ annie

8 Comments on Obama Deploys and Keeps Thousands of Troops Around His Better, Safer, More Peaceful World

  1. Obama’s playing politics and not listening to Military Leaders and strategists is killing US military personnel.
    Obama, the incompetent, like Hillary the Benghazi Bitch, has US blood on his hands.

  2. Spot on, cato. Suits tell them where they want to go and the uniforms tell them if and how they can get there. Worst of all worlds is when the suits start fondling the chess pieces and overriding the uniforms because they know so much more than those stupid gens and adms who spent 25-30 yrs minimum getting smart about this stuff. The suits get votes = instant smarts, of course. LBJ never really figured that out.

    On a side issue, can anybody tell me how to put an avatar with my screen name? I tried to drag&drop a photo but she no take.

  3. Thanks, BinBC. Maybe our Mr Hat can make an instruction page for us bowling-ball-sharpies to look at. I have been using disqus for years and several, mostly moto, fora but I ain’t heared of no gravvytars before. Thanks. I’ll give it a whack.

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