The H-Bomb – IOTW Report

The H-Bomb

Are you comfortable with such an unsophisticated, Comey’s words, moron with access to our country’s most sensitive safeguards?

See short iOTWreport video inside. –>

18 Comments on The H-Bomb

  1. Wasn’t Bill Clinton so busy playing hide the cigar with Monica Lewinsky that he lost the nuclear launch codes. The Clintons are a dangerous mixture of stupidity, arrogance, and corruption.

  2. Fuck no, i’m not comfortable with it. The psycho bitch of Bengazi would not hesitate to use a nuke on, say, Texas if they decided to pull a Texit. She would not hesitate at all.

  3. Is it just me, or is that camera angle on the PBS interview odd? The camera focuses on the swollen turkey wattle/goiter neck thing that Hitlery has going on. I guess that is so the viewer doesn’t see her shifty, mendacious eyes.

  4. I’d say a transistor radio would confuse her. But if elected she’ll
    have Huma at her beck and call. Imagine the shit the officer with the “football” will have to put up with?

  5. Hey Fur, notice how the media and the clintons don’t care about contradictions anymore? Even with the disclosures and pronouncements that are coming out of DC, it doesn’t matter to them at all? It’s like they have no shame or even a grasp on reality anymore. What I would give to get a sample of her blood and check it for any controlled substance (or if it is blood )

  6. As I said before, Comey did us a great favor by not recommending indictment. Had he done so, and I believe Comey thinks she is guilty as shit but could not prove it to the legal standard, he would have never had the opportunity to tell the world he thinks Hiliary is an incompetent lying idiot that has no freaking clue. Again, Thanks Comey!

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