Obama urges Congress to build on his health legacy; pushes ‘public option,’ Medicaid expansion – IOTW Report

Obama urges Congress to build on his health legacy; pushes ‘public option,’ Medicaid expansion

WT: President Obama urged Congress on Monday to both preserve and build on his health care legacy, saying insurance remains out of reach for millions despite the lofty goals of his signature domestic achievement.

Mr. Obama, in an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, took credit for slashing the uninsured rate from 16 percent in 2010 — the year Democrats muscled the Affordable Care Act to passage — to 9.1 percent in 2015.

“I will repeat what I said four years ago when the Supreme Court upheld the ACA: I am as confident as ever that looking back 20 years from now, the nation will be better off because of having the courage to pass this law and persevere,” he wrote.  MORE

6 Comments on Obama urges Congress to build on his health legacy; pushes ‘public option,’ Medicaid expansion

  1. The Queer-In-Chief refuses to see that “his” legacy legislation is A Complete And Utter Failure. There are non so blind. . .
    But go ahead, double down. . . no. . . TRIPLE down on Teh Stoopid.

  2. Typical Marxist propaganda:

    “Public Option” really means “Federally Mandated, Predetermined Outcome”

    “Social Justice” really means “Forced Redistribution of Wealth”

    “Single Payer” really means “Government Controls Who Lives and Dies”

  3. “. .. slashing the uninsured rate from 16 percent in 2010 — the year Democrats muscled the Affordable Care Act to passage — to 9.1 percent in 2015.”

    Two things to fisk from this snippet.
    First, the DildoCrats admit that it was them, and them alone, that forced through this execrable piece of legislation.
    Second, it would be interesting to see how they figure the drop in the uninsured from 16% to 9%. Probably the same way that they figure the unemployment rate, by NOT counting those that have dropped out of the workforce and are no longer actively seeking work.
    I know I’ve seen figures (somewhere) that say that the uninsured rate has gone UP, due to people dropping insurance because of sky high (and rising) monthly premiums and deductibles; and due to companies dropping their employees from full time (with benefits and coverage) to part time (no bennies, no coverage). That, and many (most?) of the insurance companies that were SO gung-ho to join the O’BamaCare Marketplace (they figured they COULDN’T lose), are now either deceased, bankrupt, or have dropped out of the O’Care Marketplace due to hemorrhaging money like a cut carotid artery.

    So, again, how does Teh Gooberment figure a drop in uninsured from 16% to 9%? Inquiring minds, and all that.

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