Jeb Bush: I can’t vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, ‘and it breaks my heart’ – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush: I can’t vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, ‘and it breaks my heart’

jeb bush head palm

WT: Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush — who along with a few other 2016 GOP presidential candidates still refuses to support Donald Trump — said he still can’t vote for either Mr. Trump or likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

“I can’t vote for Hillary Clinton and I can’t vote for Donald Trump, and it breaks my heart,” Mr. Bush said in an interview that aired on MSNBC Monday evening. “This is my the first time in my adult life I’m confronted with this dilemma.”

“A lot of the governors, I would have been very comfortable with,” Mr. Bush said. “John Kasich I thought ran a great campaign, and [Marco] Rubio, [Ted] Cruz. There are a lot of people. The bar’s not that high for me. I’m not suggesting that you have to be a perfect candidate.”

Jeb Bush Tippy Toes


Mr. Bush was one of the more aggressive critics of Mr. Trump during the 2016 GOP presidential primary race, but he dropped out of the race after a disappointing finish in South Carolina.  MORE


22 Comments on Jeb Bush: I can’t vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, ‘and it breaks my heart’

  1. It breaks your heart. You sniveling shit. And you expected us to believe that you were the guy who would take Hillary to the woodshed. Get out of my sight. You disgust me.

  2. No former candidate that will not endorse Trump, based upon the pledge they signed, is forever dead to me.

    A man (or woman) that cannot stand behind his (or her) word is a man (or woman) that is not worthy of respect.

  3. Coat tails weren’t that long, were they?
    You showed your true character, I don’t wanna play with the big boys no more, I’m taking my ball and going home (as many of us suspected all along).

    Either you’re with us or against us.
    Not voting is a vote for hillary….. but you already knew that, didn’t you Jeb.
    Let Mommy bitch slap you, you deserve it.

  4. Lord ain’t that truth ironyCurtain.

    McCain was tough enough to choke down-not as tough as Dole which was utterly the worst fiasco in my life-but with Palin it was at least palatable-Romney was fucking horrible, after the second debate when he could had Obama/Jarrett by the short & curlies, he punted, I was physically ill.

    Yet I dutifully when out and voted for his worthless ass.

  5. This just shows how completely out-of-touch Jeb! and the establishment are. They have no idea the sacrifices their base has made to show up election after election to vote for a RINO loser. And they can’t even return the favor and do it just once, even after pledging they would in front of the country. As if anyone even cares… Jeb! blew through 150 million for less than 10 delegates?! Message still not received apparently.

  6. What an ungreatfull, spoiled bastard. He’ll sell his country down the drain to Hillary Clinton. And encourage others to do likewise.
    I like his Brother George, because I feel he’s a man, whatever his faults, but this Jeb fella is a fucking pussy.

  7. And this indecisive idiot wants to be a leader of America? Gads, I wonder if his wishy washy traits extends to choosing socks. The goofball probably wears different colors on each foot.

  8. “The truth will out.”

    Let a guy talk long enough, and he’ll prove what a snivelling shit he is.

    No dignity. No gravitas. No honor. No decency.

    Pull up your pants and go home, JEB.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Nonsense. Your whole family can’t wait to go vote for “their sister in law”.
    The only reason you wanted the repub nom was so you could throw the race and lose to hillary.

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