Hillary Continues To Lie About Emails On Her Website – IOTW Report

Hillary Continues To Lie About Emails On Her Website

Here are just some of the lies, as compiled by The Daily Caller.

Lie “Her usage was widely known to the over 100 State Department and U.S. government colleagues she emailed, consistent with the practice of prior Secretaries of State and permitted at the time.” 

Lie – “Was it allowed? Yes.” 

Lie  – “Clinton only used her account for unclassified email.”

Lie “No information in Clinton’s emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them.”

Lie – “This was not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press.”

Lie – “As noted, the emails that Clinton chose not to keep were personal emails — they were not federal records or even work-related.”

Lie – “Did she withhold any work emails? She provided the State Department with all work and potentially work-related emails that she had, including all of her correspondence with Sid Blumenthal.”

There are many more lies HERE

ht/ c. steven tuckerliar

12 Comments on Hillary Continues To Lie About Emails On Her Website

  1. “No information in Clinton’s emails was marked classified at the time she sent or received them.

    This isn’t a lie, exactly.

    She had people stripping the classified header off the material, which was then sent via her hacked private email server.

    Either she is severely brain damaged from her strokes, and is incapable of making rational decisions – or she is so stupid, she is incapable of making rational decisions – or she is so corrupt, she is incapable of making rational decisions – or she is so dangerously incompetent, she is incapable of making rational decisions.

    Regardless, she belongs in prison, at the very least.

  2. This is the time for ALL conservatives of any degree, of any stripe to come together and support Trump. He may just be the biggest con job since the New Deal only there to ensure Hillary wins but he just might shake things up in the White House and loosen the grip of the progressives, socialists and current grifters in control now. It’s no secret that I wanted Cruz and then tentatively supported Trump with a great deal of concern but after this latest debacle with Clinton, the FBI, Justice and her Husband I think he’s the only alternative. Besides, he might be the real deal and maybe the government gets given back to the people.

  3. You stop lying when you’re caught & punished.
    When I was a kid a lie was more certain to bring punishment than breaking something valuable.

    Hillary was caught but not punished. A green light to tell more & bigger lies.
    Same as all other bad behavior. Lack of consequences is encouragement.

  4. She knows her voters are clueless idiots and no one will ever seriously fact check anything of hers unless they absolutely have to but then they’ll go on to shrug it off or explain it away. Democrats are no longer hiding their corruption, lies, or even trying to provide a pretense of being decent, caring people. Why should they when voters say they believe she is a liar that should be indicted but that won’t change their vote.

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