Would You Like To Restart With Closed Borders? – IOTW Report

Would You Like To Restart With Closed Borders?


16 Comments on Would You Like To Restart With Closed Borders?

  1. I LOVE the concept! Kudos!

    Suggested rewrite:

    The security related process United States Territorial Integrity Control (USTIC) has become unresponsive. Would you like to re-initiate the process with new physical boundaries and to terminate insecure processes preventing or interfering with USTIC (Recommended), or would you like to restart the entire U.S. system in Safe Mode, with all control restricted to local operators (Recommended even more emphatically)?


    I deal with a sizable immigrant population at my job, and I am appalled at the trash that is being let into this country. Every day I have to interview these people, and I swear every last one of them is as dumb as a frickin’ post.

    They cannot answer the simplest question–what is your address? What is your child’s birthdate? Does the father’s name appear on the birth certificate? If you and the father were not married when the baby was born, how did the father’s name get on the birth certificate? They look at me like I’m the one with two heads. I’m not asking these questions for the sheer sport of it, assholes, I’m asking because all these things make a difference in your case.

    They don’t speak the language. They don’t understand any aspect of American legal convention. They are unwilling to assimilate. They are not educated or cultured, they have no marketable skills, they are coarse and vulgar. I am trying hard to figure out how these people could be an asset and contribute to our society or our economy. I can come up with nada, zilch, zero. For all the high maintenance they require (interpreters, benefits), they certainly aren’t going to put in what they’ll take out.

    BTW, I’ve noticed a rather sudden worsening of this trend in recent months. A last gift to America from our dear departing destroyer-in-chief?

    We are a sovereign nation; surely we can dictate who can enter. But we are admitting everyone who shows up. Because diversity and political correctness. Thanks, Obama, for making my job even harder than it had been

  3. @greetingsfromyonkers — I totally admire and respect you for the job you do. And my heart goes out to you!
    To be such an American and deal with what you have to on a daily basis has to be hard.

    Thank you!

  4. Fantastic! I can relate to that because my political representatives have stopped responding.
    (It might have had something to do with that input about “get off your lazy asses and do your fukking job already. Impeach the bastard!”).

  5. @jclady:

    Thanks for your appreciation. Please convey hugs and kisses to everyone at Michelle’s Mirror–I simply can’t rectify the problem I have had for over six months with Disqust; therefore no post fron Yonkers.

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