CNN Feed Conveniently Dropped Their Satellite As Reporter Alludes To Hillary’s “Super Predator” Legislation – IOTW Report

CNN Feed Conveniently Dropped Their Satellite As Reporter Alludes To Hillary’s “Super Predator” Legislation

How dare this reporter wander off the Clinton News Network plantation!

American Mirror –

“Largely Hillary Clinton’s comments here today, John, were based around the recent violence that we have seen,” Keilar reported.

“The police-involved shootings of black men in Minnesota, in Louisiana, and the killing of white police officers by a black gunman in Dallas. That was really what she based her comments on around today.

“And remember Hillary Clinton has some vulnerabilities herself.

“Even as she calls for criminal justice reform because of her support in the 1990s for anti-crime legislation that ultimately helped contribute to this era of mass incarceration that she now speaks out again–,” Keilar was saying.


ht/ nm

10 Comments on CNN Feed Conveniently Dropped Their Satellite As Reporter Alludes To Hillary’s “Super Predator” Legislation

  1. Someone ought to file a complaint with the FEC and the RCC, Make CNN answer was to why the feed which have a high reliability suddenly falter leaving an anti Trump message. If they realize that everytime they pull this kind of crap they will be noticed and that it will be logged at the FEC they may just think twice. Besides, maybe whoever pulled the switch will be called on the carpet by his boss. Threats to your paycheck is a great incentive not to bring politics into your job.

  2. Are you serious scr_north? You think the SEC, an executive branch controlled bureaucracy wouldn’t round file any complaints from someone complaining about CNN, immediately? Why do you think CNN is on in almost every public setting?

    As for the context of what the reporter was saying, yeah there were increases in incarceration because of this legislation but what else happened? Crime rates went down, especially violent crime rates. When you put men in prison for most of their potential crime years, guess what? Yeah.

    Oh wait MM, more blacks were imprisoned so it must be the man with his boot on the black man’s throat, right? Ahhh, could it be because blacks commit more then 50% of violent crimes?


  3. geo-synchronous will be the new boogey-man, trigger word, right-wing conspiracy, something phobic, buzz phrase of the next few months.
    And that’s why Hillary’s emails had to be a her privates server.

  4. @MM; I said FEC (Federal Elections Commission) although I then proceeded to mistype FCC (Federal Communications Commission). In any event I don’t know what, if anything they would do except that they would have to contact CNN for a detailed answer as to why this happened and respond to you. It could have been an accident or deliberate but that’s not the issue. What I suggested is that if every time something like this happens (or the picture stays but the sound goes) and a viewer lodges a complaint it has to be answered and sooner or later even Jeff Zucker at CNN will sit up and notice. Then if the FEC (at the behest of some politicians) then were forced by the volume of complaints to take a serious look at CNN you would probably find these types of instances drop and maybe you’d see a drop in the hyper partisanship shown by some of the anchors. After all, these jobs are harder and harder to get even for the lefties. The point would be to let the networks know that they are being watched for signs of political interference and/or partisanship.

  5. scr_north, you will get no relief from the FEC. The only thing they care about is Republican money in politics. Nothing else…

    “In 1975, Congress created the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to administer and enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) – the statute that governs the financing of federal elections. The duties of the FEC, which is an independent regulatory agency, are to disclose campaign finance information, to enforce the provisions of the law such as the limits and prohibitions on contributions, and to oversee the public funding of Presidential elections.”

    Wayward satellites, crashing IRS hard drives, push-polls, voter ID and ballot box stuffing are not FECal matters.

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