Democrat Corrine Brown pulls out the race card over her federal indictment – IOTW Report

Democrat Corrine Brown pulls out the race card over her federal indictment

JudicialWatch: Politicians have a well-earned reputation for being sleazy, but a corrupt Florida congresswoman is in a class of her own for suggesting that federal agents could have prevented the Orlando terrorist attack if they weren’t preoccupied investigating her. Last week the veteran lawmaker, Democrat Corrine Brown, and her chief of staff were slapped with a 24-count federal indictment for using a phony education charity as a “personal slush fund.” The disgraced legislator, who is black, also played the race card by comparing her indictment to the recent fatal police shootings of two black men that have ignited nationwide civil unrest.

First elected to Congress in 1992, Brown represents Florida’s fifth district which spans from Jacksonville to Orlando. The 69-year-old lawmaker and her trusted assistant, Elias Simmons, used a fake charity that was supposed to give scholarships to poor, minority students to get hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, according to the feds. Brown used her position as a congresswoman to solicit charitable donations from corporate entities that she “knew by virtue of her position in the U.S. House of Representatives,” according to federal authorities. The money was used to pay for lavish receptions, luxury boxes for a Beyonce concert and a professional football game, repairs to Brown’s car and several vacations. More than $735,000 of the charitable contributions went to pay a close family member for a job in Brown’s office that involved no work, the indictment states.  MORE

19 Comments on Democrat Corrine Brown pulls out the race card over her federal indictment

  1. The Black Congressional Caucus is so funny! I love it when they all get together at a press conference to make their asinine announcements. They all look so stereotypically ridiculous. I especially like the one that wears the cowboy hat.

  2. Nice Fright Wig
    The Democrat Black Caucus is racist on its face
    Her and all her ilk, like that idiot Conyers should be retired to a farm and be required to work for their food for a change

  3. Is Democrat Black Caucus, a club for low IQ congress persons. I swear, I have heard the most horrible, often close to illiterate, things spew from their spokespersons’ mouths. If the chosen representative spokespersons are the best, what the hell must the others be like? Amazing.

    Ok, so if, as in the case of the FBI vs Hillary, the accursed FBI, has to submit the RECOMMENDATION to indicte, to the DOJ, headed by the ever biased Ms Lynch, why didn’t this stellar representative get a free pass, also? Sure makes you wonder.

    Of course, now the stellar congresswoman, so unfairly signaled out, (man, she must have NOT paid her tributes, as the other congressional members have done), she can use the HILLARY ESCAPE CLAUSE, set in precedent, by Ms Lynch.

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