Republicans demand punishment for countries that refuse to take back criminal illegals – IOTW Report

Republicans demand punishment for countries that refuse to take back criminal illegals

WT: Anger at the Obama administration’s lax immigration policies boiled over Thursday as Democrats and Republicans demanded that the State Department punish countries that refuse to take back their citizens living in the U.S. illegally — often letting dangerous criminals run free on American streets.

Republicans demanded that the State Department make an example of some of the 23 most problematic countries by stripping their visas, as U.S. law allows.

Democrats put further pressure on the Obama administration, saying Congress should cancel foreign aid to any country that regularly refuses to cooperate with U.S. deportation.  MORE

16 Comments on Republicans demand punishment for countries that refuse to take back criminal illegals

  1. There’s alway GITMO, to send them to, since Obama has emptied, space by letting terrorists free. Hell, America spent lot of money improving conditions of that place, let’s use it for ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS, who can’t go home.

  2. “Countries which refuse to take back their criminal citizens”

    “Countries which have side deals with Hillary”

    I wonder what that Venn diagram would look like. Probably one big, fat circle.

  3. They opined, “…demanded that the State Department punish countries that refuse to take back their citizens living in the U.S. illegally”

    Ahhh, do they mean the same State Department that just told us it’ll take another years(or so) to dig up all of Hillary’s emails?? John Kerry? That Dept/State???

    Why fucking bother with this shit? Legislate action to drop kick their asses back over the border wall and be done with it. Illegal reentry means jail time in a hot, sweaty AZ enclosure before being deported again and never a chance to enter here legally.

    As for overextended visa law breakers, legislate stiff fines for any landlord or business that rents/hires people here illegally. Make proof of citizenship mandatory for these interactions.

    In all cases stop the bennies to anyone here illegally. That includes any medical care, housing or education. They’ll be self deporting by the millions when they have to get off the goodie train.

    I don’t know what the visa requirements are but these people need to be on some kind of mandatory reporting system.

    But most important is getting this administration OUT and having an executive branch that will enforce our laws.

    As stated above, it’s theater for us pee-ons. Awwww look, our Congress is mad, they got our backs.

    You betcha.

  4. Ahhh dontcha just love ‘voting season’?
    Any second now, we’ll see Juan McCain at the AZ border pointing wildly and screaming, “Build that dang fence!” with one eye squinted and spittle coming from his mouth.

  5. @cfm990 — I’d volunteer for that duty (and their called load masters, or ‘loadies’). That was my longest AFSC with the AF. Strap ’em to a pallet and gravity feed, baby!

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