2 police officers dead in Baton Rouge, Louisiana shooting – IOTW Report

2 police officers dead in Baton Rouge, Louisiana shooting

The Advocate:

East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor-President Kip Holden tells CNN that “three police officers are feared dead.”

Two Baton Rouge police officers shot on Sunday morning have died, confirmed William Daniel, the city-parish’s chief administrative officer.

At #OLOL where unmarked police cars and the coroners office have arrived after 2 @BRPDofficers shot and killed @theadvocatebr.

Baton Rouge Mayors office urges people to stay home, stay off the streets for now in immediate wake of police shooting.

BRPD spokesman Sgt. Don Coppola unable to confirm if suspect(s) have been apprehended:


Kip Holden, the mayor-president of East Baton Rouge Parish Kip Holden, said authorities were still trying to get a handle on the situation, but added, “The count is three officers dead possibly.”

The victims may include police officers and sheriff’s deputies

“There is still an active scene. They are investigating,” he said. “Right now we are trying to get our arms around everything.”

The shooter is believed to be down as well, Holden said.

“Everything is moving fast and I have not been able to verify everything,” he said.

Authorities did not immediately say where the Sunday morning shooting occurred, or release additional details.

But Baton Rouge Police Cpl. L. J. McKneely said “multiple” officers were down. He couldn’t elaborate on the extent of their injuries.

The scene, however, is contained, McKneely said.

Sine the shooting death of Alton Sterling by Baton Rouge police earlier this month, the department has worried about credible threats against its officers.

“We can’t take anything for granted any more,” East Baton Rouge Sheriff Sid Gautreaux said last week.

He spoke shortly after police arrested three people they believe were planning to police in the city.

29 Comments on 2 police officers dead in Baton Rouge, Louisiana shooting

  1. This is what happens when you elect a president who welcomes Jay-Z, a notorious ex-drug dealer, into the White House as an esteemed guest. This is what happens when Hillary Clinton violates Federal law but is not indicted because she acted not “with intent,” but rather “carelessly.”

    We elected Obama not once but twice. Sometimes I think America has what it deserves.

  2. Cops killed up 75% this year over last. Not counting Baton Rouge.

    I just raised my flag to full mast yesterday after last of Dallas cops buried. Going out to lower it again. Beginning to wonder if half mast might become its permanent position.

    Trump needs to start reading all fallen LEOs names. Give Obama’s body count. Beat that drum often and loudly. This cannot stand

  3. I can’t possibly see how this will not escalate. Police will be on heightened alert. All stops and calls answered will be adrenaline fueled. Accidents will happen. You can betyour cracker ass the “community” will respond as expected. It will be a long bloody summer.

  4. As well as actual assaults, there’s no doubt we’ll have blacks pretending to have guns, threatening cops and getting shot. As others have already stated, these provocateurs are trying to destabilize our country. This is a favorite ploy of communists on their agenda to seize power. Obugger is behind it and Clinton is right behind him.

  5. Obama owns this.

    This is “Rules for Radicals” playbook in action. The closer November 2016 and the election gets, one can expect it to escalate.

    Who thinks that these are NOT paid agitators? Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Who better to implement the demonic agenda than society’s dull and ignorant, or professional under achievers.

    Obama and the Democrats own this—along with the GOP who has sat passively by but continues to fund the spawn of Satan’s agenda. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

    The stage is being set to suspend the elections. The federal government has been stockpiling hollow point bullets for a reason. Third world diseases are being reintroduced to the USA by invitation, accompanied by welfare/food stamp welcome packages. God knows how many Middle Eastern refugees are being imported with air fares paid by the U.S. taxpayers. And the undeclared fourth branch of government, the national media, ALL OF IT, glorifies the propaganda while feigning outrage.

    The good news is that the Sovereign God of the Universe sits on the throne fine-tuning the docket of the court of Eternal Judgment, where there is NO appeals process and the sentence is Eternal.

  6. Every time I hear someone mention martial law or the 2016 elections being cancelled , the Twilight Zone theme song goes off in my head. It is not going to happen.

    None of the crap Obama tries works. I not saying that he doesn’t cause a lot of damage, but no one other than his sycophants listens or cares what this delusional ass says.

    At the end of the day, he and the Democrats will pay a heavy toll for the mayhem they sponsor.

  7. @perpective

    Yes it will be a long 6 months, but if you want to overthrow the Republic, you don’t start off by pissing off the military and every police department in the country.

    His chickens will come home to roost.

  8. These jackoffs are now going after kasich to suspend open carry law in Ohio for the convention. Gee disarm the good while the bad still have guns. Freaking dumbasses! !

  9. Hey Mohamed, if you believe in eternity you better learn to pace yourself because compared to eternity 72 raisins will not last long, then what do you have to look forward to?

  10. M4tM, if you don’t think that Obama will pull the switch and enact martial law, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. The writing is on the wall, all you have to do is wake up and look at it. Nothing will stop this crazed lunatic from doing just that. They know their days in office are numbered and they are not about to let their “progress” be destroyed.

    That said, I hope you’re right and I’m wrong, but I don’t think so.

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