Lying Liar’s Lies Lead To Racial Chasm – IOTW Report

Lying Liar’s Lies Lead To Racial Chasm

Patriot Retort-

Shortly before yet another ambush on police, this time in Baton Rouge, Tom Brokaw appeared on Meet the Press today and bemoaned the fact that race relations are so bad. [Hat tip Breitbart]

”I grew up at the beginning of the civil rights movement. I really thought we would be a different country by now. We have elected an African American president. There is a lot of progress. But the hostility out there is really unsettling to me. And it’s based on pigmentation. People are making judgments based on the color of skin. Bang like that.”

It’s not based on pigmentation, Tom. It’s based on lies.

Yes, Tom. There is a lot of hostility. That’s what happens when Leftist agitators, the Enslaved Press and even our own “African American President” gin up anger and racial division based on lies and false narratives.

Here’s the problem, Tom. Lies have consequences.

Trayvon Martin wasn’t some innocent little lamb minding his own business who was shot dead for no other reason than he was black.

But you guys in the Enslaved Press peddled those lies nonetheless. You even went so far as to call the shooter a “White Hispanic” in order to perpetrate the fiction that whites were indiscriminately shooting black “children” for no reason. NBC, your own network, doctored the 911 tape to make it sound like George Zimmerman called the police because Martin was black.

You idiots in the Enslaved Press used an old photograph of Trayvon Martin from when he was a little boy, rather than a more current photo of him to further push the lie.

From the White House, Barack Obama continued to push the false narrative that Trayvon Martin was an innocent victim of “gun violence” killed only because of the color of his skin. Aside from declaring, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” Obama said this after George Zimmerman was rightfully acquitted:

“We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin.”

Lies have consequences.

The lie of “gentle giant” Michael Brown, shot indiscriminately while holding his hands


ht/ all too much

11 Comments on Lying Liar’s Lies Lead To Racial Chasm

  1. Dianny hits it out of the park, again.
    “The Enslaved Press broadcast the Lie. They gave legitimacy to a domestic terror group that seeks, not civil rights, but civil unrest.”

    The complicit progressive media fans the divisive flames obama created. Black VS White, muslim VS Christian, Merchants of death VS Pro-Life, Government VS the People, wealthy VS the middle class, Corporate VS Private entrepreneurs, Federal VS State’s Rights, Illegal Immigration VS “Legal” Immigration, Obamacare VS private medical care, Citizens VS Police, Presidency VS Separation of powersTruth VS Lies.

    Obama, the media, progressives, socialists, marxists and special interest PACs working hand in hand to fundamentally transform the foundation of the United States.

  2. Anyone who supports Michael Brown
    Is a joker, a fool, and a clown.
    Those who find it unjust
    That he’s turning to dust
    With them I can never be down.

    That’s the truth, Ruth.

  3. The press are not enslaved. That would mean they are reporting lies against their will. No, the media are eager to act as the willing mouth piece of the DNC, progressives of all stripes and take active part in destroying all that is good in this country.

  4. Welcome to the house built on lies.
    The house built by Barry.
    You built this you Lying, America-Hating, Deserter-Honoring, Gay-Obsessed, Communist-Organizing, Racist, Marxist Muzlim, Jug-eared Jihadi!
    Yer chickenzzzzzzzzzz have come hoommmmme to rrrrooooooooost!!

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