Today ends in “Y”, so there has to be a Muslim or a BLM murdering someone – IOTW Report

Today ends in “Y”, so there has to be a Muslim or a BLM murdering someone

Baton Rouge is old news. We’re on to Kansas City.

Tomorrow it’s Islam’s turn. Where will the murdering be? Antwerp? Akron?

8 Comments on Today ends in “Y”, so there has to be a Muslim or a BLM murdering someone

  1. The left creates problems that the right has to fix. In the midst of acknowledging the problem, the right gets blamed because the left doesn’t yet see the problem, thereby hampering efforts. Lefty’s still don’t see an issue with BLM while the right speaks out in an effort to curtail destruction — Through, of course, “hateful and racist rhetoric.”

  2. 0bama throws fuel on the fire hoping it will grow big enough to justify martial law. Only way a traitor can beat that pesky 2nd amendment.
    A real American black president would work non-stop to encourage the end of black-on-cop murder. Barry does the opposite.

  3. If you’re a cop, or know one, it might be prudent to stay out of restaurants while in uniform for a few months – even if it’s a pain in the ass, it beats being poisoned or being fed glass.

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