What’s Next For #NeverTrump? – IOTW Report

What’s Next For #NeverTrump?

I was perusing some of the well known #NeverTrump sites to get a taste of what their next move is.

Last month the sites were filled with lots of cheeseteeth dopes that were snickering about what Trump supporters were going to look like when *Ted Cruz was body-surfed through the convention hall right into the seat reserved for the presidential nominee.

One nitwit was actually GUARANTEEING that Ted Cruz would be the nominee because he knew a guy that knew a guy who knew a guy, and he knew better.

He was pointing and laughing at Trump supporters, the dumb rubes that weren’t self-aware enough to know that Cruz supporters had a plan, a ground game, a path, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera…

He was one of the people I alluded to when I wrote last week that a lot of these people sound like the effete, bitchy, gays at The Daily Kos. I hope there are enough pillows to bite wherever he is tonight.


Screening the comments at these sites there is a goodly number of people that are saying that they are going to vote for Hillary. Many are saying that they are going to vote for the democrats across the board. What’s the idea behind this? It’s a muddled mess.

– Force the GOP to see that nominating Trump was a mistake because he can’t win. (And the #NeverTrump will do everything they can to see to it that their prognostication is correct by voting for Hillary.)

-Force the GOP into shambles so that (I’m not picking on Cruz, but it’s a fact that most of these people are Cruz supporters) Cruz will rise from the ashes in 2020 and beat Hillary and undo 8 years of Obama and 4 years of Hillary.

-Purge the party completely, top to bottom, so that all new conservative candidates can run and transform the party.

Something like that.

Many are still maintaining that Trump is going to be defeated by Hillary in a landslide. I’m not sure what data they are looking at, but it seems to be a hope as opposed to a reality. I like Trump’s chances now because #NeverTrump has been completely wrong about everything they’ve ever said.

Here is the latest Real Clear Politics posting-

It’s a LANDSLIDE I tell ya. Looks like every Clinton lead has been winnowed or lost.

I guess #NeverTrump’s next move is to go to the Democrat convention and wear Stronger Together hats and stump for Hillary.

I’m so happy that the internet was invented so that impressionable sh!tpickles could find each other and ramp each other into a embarrassing hypnotic frenzy.


*I support Ted Cruz. I think he would have made an outstanding president. Ted Cruz lost the primary. Its Hillary or Trump now.

My scorn is not for Ted Cruz, it’s for the people who got on the Cruz bandwagon way too late and are now acting like they’ve been for Cruz all along.




32 Comments on What’s Next For #NeverTrump?

  1. How can you call yourself a conservative if you are ready to vote in every democrat you can. WTF would be left to take back?! A SCOTUS stacked for decades with leftists?! Daily dead police officers and attacks from Islamic and radical liberal nuts to the point you are afraid to leave the house??!!

    What are they going to do when Cruz speaks this week? What about if he endorses Trump?!!!

    Anyone that votes for Hillary out of misguided spite is as much or more a part of the problem as the Dems.

  2. Hey. Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? – Bluto Blukarski.

    It’s time for somebody to put their foot down. And that foot is me – Dean Wormer’s big toe as played by Eric Erickson

  3. “A lion doesn’t lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.”

    Best use of everyone’s time as of now is to get Trump elected. No space in my day for #NT-ers. I won’t even be interested in a year where they ended up. I’ve never been curious about what happened to child stars, either.

  4. This Erickson character is a ringer for Flounder in “Animal House.”

    So these morons think Ted Cruz can save the country after eight years of Obama and for of Hitlery? People, there ain’t a horse in creation big enough to carry THAT white knight.

  5. Re: AbigailAdams “I won’t even be interested in a year where they ended up.

    They need to be tracked, because sooner or later, they will attempt to ooze back into the Republican party, and try to re-cuck it.

    It’s their thing.

  6. “It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: SHITPICKLES!”


    izlamo delenda est …

  7. if these ass hats are that butthurt to actually pull the lever (or push the button) for HILLARY…

    There is something wrong with them, they need to take a pill or something, get some counseling for crying out loud.

    They’re like a whiney millenial when the wifi goes out.

  8. You all have two choices.
    Let them in and be part of the coalition, or beat the crap out of them so they have no choice other than to vote Democrat.
    Here we are, at the point where we all need to work together to get to the golden ring, but we are beset by sore winners.
    The race is neck and neck, we can’t afford this kind of crap.
    I realize that driving people away has been, though odd, a core part of the campaign. I just fail to understand it. Is the goal to win by a nose?

  9. congrats you now have uniformity. Sure hope the Donnie is all you hoped him to be. So never mind that they did a little strong arm at the convention to shut up the naysayers or that trump moved to remove support for the Ukraine or … hey we get the wall and stuff… But as john says, your henchmen need to back off a bit on the rhetoric. Good news is if Donnie wins, you won’t need to change the name of the site since he pretty much wants the same thing as Obama does.

  10. @JohnS…hmm…really, your comment seems to me to be akin to: I’m straight, I really like women, actually, I love women and all that they stand for and everything about what they are like…but this one woman rejected me, and so now I’m going to go and find the most manly man I can find to show her that I’m not down with her.

    Dude, Trump wasn’t the first pick of many of us, but if it comes down to the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate as your choice as a conservative, it literally is the choice to “change teams” as it were…what is wrong with you? Put your pride and personal affront aside to see the big picutre…if you (forgive my crassness) didn’t suck **** in the past, why would you choose to do it now?

  11. @JohnS: I get what you are saying and all, but what good is winning if you can’t gloat a little bit afterwards?

    Or, in the immortal words of Al Capp, “Hate is good, for without it there is no joy in revenge”.

    OK, I’m done being sarcastic. Your point is taken, but pretty much ignored.

    P.S. – You’re probably not going to win many of the NeverTrumpers over anyway, you why waste your time when you can be doing something productive?


  12. The more I see who hates DT the more I like him… The GOP is the reason Trump was in the race. If we were the sheep they thought we were Jeb would have been the candidate months ago. It was a tough road and will be a tough road but enough Americans stood together and didn’t cave like the GOP thought we would. I’d rather lose the fight with the guy I picked than to lose it with the gut that was picked for me. TRUMP/2016

  13. JohnSh!tForBrains, your jaded PROJECTION is really not funny anymore.

    YOU are going to vote for Hillary anyway!
    We all KNOW that.

    You’re nothing but a mole, incessantly – if incompetently – trying to instill hestitation, doubt and fear among the Right.


  14. I suspect few of the #NT idiots (I mean genuine Republicans, not the trolls) will actually go as far as voting for Hillary (though we’ll never know), but IN FACT their next move has been to *demand* that we Trump supporters “prove” to them *why* they should support Trump.


    To me, that’s tantamount to demanding someone prove to them why they should support and defend America. It says *boatloads* more about those #NT idiots than about Trump and his supporters.

  15. Hey – “Shitpickle” is actually in the Urban Dictionary:


    1. Used as a common phrase for a negative situation.

    2. A guest on the webshow “The Angry Nintendo Nerd”, starring in the episode “Master Chu And The Drunkard Hu”

    ex.: “D’aww shitpickles! This sucks!”

    shit pickle

    1) Derogatory name for the slasher movie “Jack-o” (2005). Mention of the word “shit pickle” in the DVD’s commentary caused the director to leave the room.

    2) Cartoon character created by Mike Matei and voiced by James Rolfe (“Angry Nintendo Nerd”). Shit Pickle is best friends with Dick Pickle and Tit Pickle.

    “We discussed this commentary before we ever got into this and you specifically stated you would not make any reference to the shit pickle comment. (…) OK, I know, and you laughed your ass off and you told me you were laughing when you said shit pickle! As a matter of fact, you said shit pickle more than once!! You said that’s so funny!! Shit pickle!! Shit pickle!!!”


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