Chris Christie Prosecutes Hillary at Convention – IOTW Report

Chris Christie Prosecutes Hillary at Convention


Hillary Clinton cared more about protecting her own secrets than she did about protecting America’s secrets,’ he said.

His main convention was to read out his charges, then ask the crowd: ‘Guilty or not guilty?’

‘Guilty!’ the crowd screamed out in unison each time.

When Christie laid out the case against Clinton for her emails, it brought yet another round of ‘lock her up’ cheers.

‘As to Hillary Clinton, putting herself ahead of America, guilty or not guilty?’

‘Guilty!’ yelled out the crowd.

‘Hillary Clinton, lying to the American people about her selfish, awful judgment, guilty or not guilty?’

‘Guilty,’ yelled back the crowd.

‘Lets have some fun tonight’: Former prosecutor and Trump pal Chris Christie eviscerates Hillary Clinton in ‘trial’ before GOP convention – as the crowd screams ‘GUILTY!’ and ‘LOCK HER UP!’

  • Christie, considered a candidate to be Trump’s attorney general, laid out a series of ‘charges’ against Clinton in a fired up convention speech 
  • Brings up email scandal, Libya, Boko Haram, Iran, Cuba and more
  • Promises never to let her get within 10 miles of the White House again 
  • Christie got passed over for VP, but his performance may help his case to continue to serve Trump in other ways

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9 Comments on Chris Christie Prosecutes Hillary at Convention

  1. He was great. Wow. So was Junior. Actually all the speakers were good to great.
    Day two of the convention. I don’t know if I can take all this heavy petting and then wait months for the consummation.

  2. Don’t have a teevee but am following the convention closely via internet news websites. I’m listening to video clips of the speakers. ALL have been excellent and inspirational.

    Gosh, Wally, I think the Republicans finally GET IT that we really can’t lose in November. Step 1, picking a candidate who is anything but wishy-washy, gets the whole enterprise off on the right foot.

  3. “Gosh, Wally, I think the Republicans finally GET IT that we really can’t lose in November. Step 1, picking a candidate who is anything but wishy-washy, gets the whole enterprise off on the right foot.”

    I still don’t trust them. They know how to rile up the citizens to get their votes, but after the elections, same as usual.

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