Massachusetts Attorney General Bans Sales of All New “Assault Weapons” As of Today – IOTW Report

Massachusetts Attorney General Bans Sales of All New “Assault Weapons” As of Today

After the usual “assault rifles” are “weapon of war” used by “mass murderers” anti-AR agitprop, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey dropped this bombshell at The Boston Globe.

The Massachusetts assault weapons ban mirrors the federal ban Congress allowed to expire in 2004. It prohibits the sale of specific weapons like the ColtAR-15 and AK-47 and explicitly bans “copies or duplicates” of those weapons. But gun manufacturers have taken it upon themselves to define what a “copy” or “duplicate” weapon is. They market “state compliant” copycat versions of their assault weapons to Massachusetts buyers. They sell guns without a flashsuppressor or folding or telescoping stock, for example, small tweaks that do nothing to limit the lethalness of the weapon.

That will end now. On Wednesday, we are sending a directive to all gun manufacturers and dealers that makes clear that the sale of these copycat assault weapons is illegal in Massachusetts. With this directive, we will ensure we get the full protection intended when lawmakers enacted our assault weapons ban, not the watered-down version of those protections offered by gun manufacturers.

The directive specifically outlines two tests to determine what constitutes a “copy” or “duplicate” of a prohibited weapon. If a gun’s operating system is essentially the same as that of a banned weapon, or if the gun has components that are interchangeable with those of a banned weapon, it’s a “copy” or “duplicate,” and it is illegal. Assault weapons prohibited under our laws cannot be altered in any way to make their sale or possession legal in Massachusetts.

See below for legal definition of an “assault weapon.”


Yes, that’s the AG pictured playing basketball for the Harvard BB team.

34 Comments on Massachusetts Attorney General Bans Sales of All New “Assault Weapons” As of Today

  1. “If a gun’s operating system is essentially the same as that of a banned weapon”
    Most Semi Auto guns operating systems are Direct Impingement. By his criteria just about everything is illegal.

  2. @badbrad

    Everything illegal? I’m sure that was just a slight oversight.

    I think the SecState just created thousands more Trump voters.

    And… Women playing basketball? How ridiculous is that?

  3. “Everything illegal? I’m sure that was just a slight oversight”

    Facing the same wide open criteria in California right now banning any gun with a “Detachable Mag”. The bill is suppose to be all about “assault weapons” but last time I checked all my pistols had detachable mags.

  4. And the government will insure that the officers involved in confiscating any such weapons will be armed with the same type of weapons they they will be confiscating. If that makes any sense.
    In other words, firepower for the elite but not for the peons. You will be controlled. You will bow and submit to your masters.

    Memo: fuck you, come and take it!

  5. @MoeTom
    I hate to break it to you, but I think Maura is a female name. But who knows anymore in this new transworld order? She looks petrified of losing ball control even though she’s not under pressure from any defense.

    Sorry dude. I think I sent many conflicting and confusing messages in this comment. Ball Control. Male/Female/Trans.

    I think I’ll just but out for now.

  6. Massachusetts sent the swimmer to the U. S. senate term after term. They are responsible for Barney Frank and John Kerry and so many other pieces of human filth. I cannot dredge up sympathy for the people of a state who are fanatic for tyranny. I cannot feel any outrage at the actions of the scum they elect to steal their liberty. Screw ’em. To reflect the sentiments of a great Massachusetts patriot, Samuel Adams – may they crouch down and lick the hands which feed them and may posterity forget that they were our countrymen.

  7. Like I asserted to BFH when I sent him this article:



    This includes all infringements; (i.e. bullet buttons in California).

    Time to make a stand.

  8. “And Lowel, by the criteria I read above that would include piston guns too. Right?”

    No. But it does involve technical terminology that a lot of people don’t quite grasp. Not unexpected, if you haven’t been involved for a damn long time it is confusing.

    ‘Direct Impingement’ is the combustion gasses from the propellant acting directly on the fire control parts (bolt, bolt carrier, basically ducting those gasses into the receiver directly) to unlock the breech at the correct time in the firing cycle.

    The AR-15 in the original form is the prototypical example.

    If there is an intervening mechanism that transfers the force (gas driven piston, ala AK-47, FN-FAL, piston AR’s) those are not in any way ‘direct impingement’.

    They also stay a lot cleaner than an AR.

    Been doing this stuff since the ’70’s Brad and I’m on yer’ side. I just tend to get hung up on terminology because the words do have meaning.

  9. Lowel, we are on the same side. If I were to ask you how a 1911 operates I would assume your answer would be “Blow Back”. Same as mine. But now go back and read what I linked. So a piston gun can’t run with out gas from an ignited cartridge.
    Point being these idiots that are righting and interpreting these laws either no NOTHING about fire arms or intentionally right them so vague that they can interpret the law anyway they see fit.
    And it doesn’t help matter when Wikapedia is blatantly incorrect.

    P.S. There’s a reason competitive shooters don’t run pistons in their guns.

  10. “If I were to ask you how a 1911 operates I would assume your answer would be “Blow Back”.”

    Nope. The 1911 has locking lugs that engage between the barrel and the slide.The barrel must tilt down and disengage these lugs delaying unlock of the slide. The Ruger 10-22 is blowback.

    “Point being these idiots that are writing and interpreting these laws either know NOTHING about fire arms or intentionally right them so vague that they can interpret the law anyway they see fit.”

    Correct on both points.

  11. Heroin overdoses in Massachusetts are twice the rate of any other state in the union. In 2014 there were nearly 1300 overdose deaths, up 63% from 2012. That’s about 19 heroin-related deaths per 100,000 residents. 2015 had about 1300 heroin deaths and 2016 is on-track for a similar death rate. At the same time there were 3.37 gun-related deaths per 100,000 residents which works out to about 225. In 2015 mass gun-related deaths hit a ten year low.

    For a state that ranks # 49 in fiscal health, just edging out Connecticut and Puerto Rico, you would think the AG would be a better steward of public resources and focus on the state’s pressing public safety crisis vice scoring political points.

  12. SO. . .
    Did the state legislature pass a bill?
    Did the governor sign that bill into law?
    If the answer is NO to either/both questions, then it shows the Libtard overreach of the Att’y General once again presumptively Ass-u-ming something not in existence.
    This asshat has tipped his hand and shown his true colors for his master, the DNC.

  13. So, the state att’y general wants to ban all “assault weapons”, eh?

    I hope ALL, and I mean ALL, weapons manufacturers and repair service companies sever their contracts with ALL Gooberment entities within the state, local, city, township, county, state. Ditto for ammunition manufacturers.
    “If the lawful citizen can’t buy our guns/ammunition, then you can’t buy our guns/ammunition either. No zoup for you”.

    Want that gun repaired? Gee, sorry, we no longer have a contract within the state to do that. Gonna have to bring it/ship it to (service company out of state).

    What? You carried a weapon across state lines that’s not your own personal weapon? Does that come under “straw purchase”? We’ll have to seize that until our lawyers can straighten it out. Now go back home and feel fortunate that we’re not arresting you.

    Oh, you sent it by one FFL to another FFL? That’s good. But we’re SO backed up, it’s going to take us at least 6 months to get to yours. We’ll let you know when we get around-to-it.

    Hopefully, the Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences rears its ugly head and bites this Communist in the ass.

    Have a nice day. Somewhere else.

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