Jeff Flake Upset That “Lock Her Up” Was a Chant at the RNC – IOTW Report

Jeff Flake Upset That “Lock Her Up” Was a Chant at the RNC

Lock up Jeff Flake, in a mental asylum for the criminally squishy.

Is this moron going to suggest that no one has gone to jail for what Hillary did?

Why is calling for her incarceration “jumping the shark”?

Flake is why Trump exists.

25 Comments on Jeff Flake Upset That “Lock Her Up” Was a Chant at the RNC

  1. You nailed it BFH. Guys like Flake created the Trump phenomenon.
    Is he defending the double standard set aside for connected insiders?
    Sounds like it. Does Flake also possess a “Get out of Jail” free card?

  2. Either he’s been punched in the nose numerous times or he has his face up against a window Joe Biden style.
    I’m going with the window; punching that face would get the hand all slimy.

  3. I like to once again tell James Comey to go directly to hell.
    He’s the one who said that no prosecutor could ever indict Hillary with the evidence.
    The MSM runs with his quote every time this bullshit comes up.

    Fuck you Jeff Flake, go lick James Comey’s blistered asshole you prick bastard!

  4. Flake is just another gutless wonder with no faith in his candidate, and he’s signalling Hillary early that he’ll be one of the Republicans who will do her bidding after her certain election. He bears watching.

  5. I’m from AZ and let’s just say I’ve developed, Lord forgive me, a deep seated loathing for this contemptible, quisling S.O.B.! I can’t wait to not vote for him.

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