trusTED? – IOTW Report



Santorum: Cruz broke his promise to support GOP nominee.

Rick Santorum bristled at Ted Cruz‘s reluctance to endorse GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, arguing that he’s gone back on his promise to the party.

“Every person who took to the stage swore they would support the nominee of the party. Are you a man of your word or not? Are you a woman of your word or not?” the former two-time presidential candidate said Wednesday during an interview with The Hill inside the Quicken Loans Arena hours before Cruz was to take the stage there for day 3 of the 2016 Republican National Convention.
“It’s not like Donald Trump did something different from when people made that pledge. He was who he was then, he is who is now, and they said they would support them and they did not. That doesn’t wash with me, I’m very disappointed.”

The pledge read:

“I (name) affirm that if I do not win the 2016 Republican nomination for president of the United States I will endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee regardless of who it is. I further pledge that I will not seek to run as an independent or write-in candidate nor will I seek or accept the nomination for president of any other party.”

The one-page document included spots for signatures from RNC chairman Reince Priebus and the candidate. Trump held a press conference at Trump Tower in Manhattan on Sept. 3 to announce he had signed the pledge

“I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican Party and the conservative principles for which it stands,” Trump said.

So did Cruz sign the pledge? We couldn’t find a copy of the pledge itself and didn’t hear back from spokespersons for Cruz or the RNC Wednesday night.

Another pledge was put forward by the South Carolina Republican Party, which required candidates to sign a pledge and submit it with $40,000 by Sept. 30 to qualify for the state primary ballot in February. The pledge stated “I hereby affirm that I generally believe in and intend to support the nominees and platform of the Republican Party in the November 8, 2016, general election.”

We didn’t find a signed pledge by Cruz online Wednesday night. However, state party officials announced on Sept. 30 that 15 candidates including Cruz had qualified for the state’s ballot.

On March 12, three days before the Florida primary, Cruz said he would support the nominee

“I committed at the outset, I will support the Republican nominee, whoever it is.” Cruz told reporters at a suburban St. Louis high school

A day later, he made a similar comment to MSNBC’s Chuck Todd:

Todd: “You’ve said some tough things on Trump. Why are you comfortable supporting him as the nominee if he ends up the nominee.”

Cruz: “Well, listen, I pledged at the outset I will support the Republican nominee, whoever it is … when I give my word for something, I follow through and do what I said.”


If Ted Cruz didn’t like the monicker slapped on him by Trump, Lyin’ Ted, maybe he shouldn’t lie.

The people defending Cruz sound an awful lot like Cruz to me – going through mental gymnastics to try and lecture you that what you witnessed with your own eyes and ears just wasn’t so.

I would have no problem at all with Cruz’s speech up until his “go forth and vote your conscience” bullsh@t.

Crap weasels are trying to tell me that the phrase was innocuous. Meanwhile, at a very well known #NeverTrump site, the contributors and commenters have made their shorts sticky over Cruz’s comment. The site quoted Cruz in a headline with exclamation points after it. But it wasn’t what I think it was. No. Not at all.

It seems #NeverTrump knows exactly what Cruz meant, and then some are shocked, shocked I tell ya, when they learn that people outside their sphere knows exactly what it meant.

If it meant “go vote for Trump,” why wouldn’t he plainly say, “go vote for Trump”?

Why would Ted be whining that Trump set him up to be a pariah by allowing him to make the speech he wrote if the phrase didn’t mean, “if you vote for Trump you may have a crisis of your conscience”?

There are many things I can overlook about a candidate. I could support Cruz after a support of TPP. I could support Cruz after he went to the Texas border and helped hand out soccer balls. I could support Cruz after he wanted to expand work visas through H-1b. What I cannot tolerate is the Clintonesque parsing of words and utilizing arguable technicalities- it depends on what the meaning of is is – in order to weasel out of controversy.



87 Comments on trusTED?

  1. I supported Cruz. I loath Trump, but anyone is better than Hillary. Who knows, maybe Trumps the right guy to pull this off. What Ted did last night was parse words. He was disingenuous. He hurt himself last night, especially with me. I hope he gets an opponent in the primaries in 2018. I’ll support the opponent. Hey Ted – never another dime from me.

  2. My Old Man would say: “Did you give your word? Then you follow it through. End of story.”
    I don’t care how you frame it.
    He said he would do it.
    He was asked, and he repeated that he would do it.
    He was given ample opportunity and courtesy of a platform to do it in.
    He did not.
    End of story.

  3. *sigh*
    If he reeeaaaaally wanted to shove bamboo under Trump’s nails, he’d have said he forgives Trump for being nasty about Heidi and joking about his dad with the JFK stuff- and after that say there should be support for the Republican nominee because WE CANNOT HAVE HILLARY AS PRESIDENT. He could have been the bigger man last night.

  4. I keep thinking that Cruz is a bitter clinger-clinging to the campaign that failed and clinging to faux innocence that he he didn’t have a hand in his own demise.

    Why couldn’t the #NeverTrumps look at the win of a Trump presidency to have The Donald be the CEO of the country-do the messy business of cleaning out the government of worthless partisans, build the wall etc.. and take the slings and arrows that could damage their political careers in any other time. Trump may be an anomaly- why fight it?!? Be a part of something unexpected and be there after the glow fades and the hard work is done- to implement the scholarly conservatism Levin and others harp about. Right now, that side of conservativism is not very Reaganesque IMHO.

    I’m a tea partier and though Trump is not who I expected to shake up the establishment I am happy he has. Going to rallies and wearing a Tri corn hat and waving the Gadsen Culpepper flag didn’t get us as far as Mr. Trump has. They’ve tried to demonize him like they did us but he’s Teflon right now, he’ll appeal to the low dos who will vote for him for the amusement of it and because it’s cool-but they will vote for him. The same can’t b said if Cruz was our candidate. So, let Trump be the bull in the china shop. Pence has his foot in the door to the White House. Trump is a showman to bring conservative ideas to the American public. He’s not perfect and he’s not Reagan. That’s not what is needed right now.

    *rant off*

  5. Loco, stop it. Seriously. lol. It’s over, dude. It’s over. Right now, Hillary is using Cruz as advertising. Cruz messed himself up in public and now he has to hope people forget.

  6. I voted for Cruz in the Primary.
    I want Cruz to remain in the Senate.
    Cruz is asking for my financial support.

    My priority is to support Donald Trump, first and foremost.

    Without a Republican President Congress will continue to have NO Leadership or the continued failed leadership of ryan and mcCONell.

    TRUMP First and Foremost.

  7. This way, Prez Trump can put Ted up for the Supreme Court, and the Democrats will support him, along with the RINO cabal of Fluke, Lindsee Graham, et. al.

    “Oh, yeah, Ted will be SO PRIMO, ‘cuz he SO DISSED Trump in Cleveland!”

  8. As a registered Texas voter, let me assure you we will not support this whiney liar for US Senator . Mr Honorable bullshit aside, he is as self-serving as the Hilldabeest.

  9. You’re simply pumping out the bullshit now, Loco. I say that as a friend.

    I never held #NeverTrump against Cruz. But now I see he is a #NeverTrump member himself.

    I consider Cruz the enemy now.. I’m NUTS!!! NUTS I TELL YA.

    This entire site is NUTSSSSS because we don’t want Hillary to be the next president.

    I’m guilty as charged!!!!!!

    Is a site that doesn’t care if Hillary wins more your speed?
    Do I have to defend a politician that told a nation at the nominee’s shindig, the one that is standing between Hillary and the white house, that voters have to go out their and “vote their conscience”?

    By implication he is saying, “as long as you vote your conscience a vote for Hillary is okay.”

    When would a “principled conservative” ever say such a thing?

    I don’t even want to argue this anymore.
    It’s not an arguable point.
    Cruz is a crap weasel. He went to the convention and did his level best to say Hillary is the devil, but a vote for Trump is not required because you have your conscience to think about.

    He joined the chorus of imbeciles who believe Trump will be “worse than Hillary.”
    Trump is worse than Hillary when he’s the one in the way of your ambitions.

    People that disparage this site because we are all about preventing a Clinton presidency at all costs should check their own facking consciences.

    And that is all.

  10. The other possibility is that Ted will come out and endorse the Libertarian side, along with a lot of other RINOs, the Booooshes, the Mittens Crowd and the rest of the Blue Bloods. Their hope will be to toss the election into the House of Representatives, where Ryan will get picked for President and into the Senate, where Cruz will be VP.

    Seriously. Look at the end game.

  11. “Trump doesn’t want Cruz’s endorsement and the pledge is null and void” Maybe to you but not people who honor integrity and are old school enough to still think a man’s word is his bond. You don’t renig because you are a sore loser. I was convinced Cruz was full of shit about his devotion to the all sacred constitution when he was stupid enough to pose side by side with Kim Davis. When she refused to comply with a federal court order directing her to issue marriage licenses following Obergefell v. Hodges decree, he should have dressed her down and told her to do her job if he was sincere in honoring the Constitution. You defend the rights of your worst enemy if you are to guarantee the rights of your friends. Good riddance to another bible thumping huckster.

  12. Unfortunately Cruz just didn’t decline giving the speech. It is clear today it is personal and I think he is making it worse talking about his wife being maligned etc. He has every right to feel that way but then he shouldn’t have given a speech. If you go to a wedding and you hate the bride don’t give a toast if you can’t hide your feelings. He can’t hide how he feels and it is just making everyone uncomfortable watching him continue to make it worse for himself. Just take your family, go on vacation, stop talking!

  13. This is the last I want to read about Cruz until he’s up for re-election to the Senate. He is a non-factor in this election.

    I’ll support him then unless a better candidate presents him/herself in the primary here in Texas.

  14. Why is this such a dagger to Trump and his supporters?
    Lyin’ Ted and all that.
    Why does this hurt so bad?

    Now Trump is spending his time and energy going after Cruz.
    Trump himself hedged on the pledge and said in March he wouldn’t honor it.
    If Trump is such a tough winner why such butt-hurt?

    Evidently the emperor has no clothes.

  15. I point out in my post this morning that I think Cruz had it in his head that he would go out there last night and have his “Reagan in ’76” moment. I can just picture him thinking, “Oh yea. I’m gonna blow them away and they’ll all be regretting nominating Trump.” His speech felt contrived and insincere. And I’m speaking as someone who endorsed Cruz and voted for him in the Primary. It was self-centered and really disrespectful what he did. And already Hillary is using his speech for her own purposes. Why in Lucifer’s reach would Cruz want to hand Hillary ammunition?! Honestly, it was the height of hubris.

  16. If it’s over MJA, can we expect the anti-Cruz posts to stop?>>>

    When will the anti-Trump bullshit stop?
    That’s a tad more important than stopping anti-Cruz posts, no?

    We didn’t say one thing about Cruz in weeks and weeks. He does a weasel move and now we’re supposed to just let him do it with no repercussions? Not even 24 hours worth?

    Who is Cruz, Jesus Christ himself?

  17. I’m pretty sure Cruz made himself the center of attention all on his own.
    I don’t give a shit whether Trump is mad or not, and if he’s poking a finger in Cruz’s eye, oh well. What made me mad was, Cruz had been going on and on about how Hillary’s the devil and yet he couldn’t bring himself to say he at least supports the PEOPLE who found an exorcist to cast the bitch out.
    Whatever. *puts on hat* I’m through playin’ now.

    Phil Robertson said it well:
    Phil Robertson sends message to Ted Cruz: ‘You lost, he won’

  18. I have a plea.

    Can we please devote the 24 hours following Cruz’s speech to bashing him thoroughly, as he deserves, but then leave that behind and focus on (a) seeing to it that Hillary is crushed at the polls, and (b) boosting Trump’s efforts at undoing the decades of bad govt that have gone a long way to weakening the foundation of American society, namely liberty, personal initiative, and self-reliance?


  19. Any one supporting Ted for Senator is also supporting Heidi for making the Americas the EU West, which didn’t work so well for Europe, did it now? Old New World Order Establishment GOP want this for money…and for greed. Screw them, and screw the pooch. We don’t buy it and will fight it!!

  20. “Why is this such a dagger to Trump and his supporters?”

    This past the point of being about one candidate or the other after Trump won. Any conservatives goal should be defeating Hitlary. Trump is the guy that was chosen. Get behind him or gt out of the way. Your infatuation for Cruz clouds your judgment. In fact I think it blinds you. Cruz screwed up royally again.

    No way this country survives Hillary.

  21. I’m as disappointed in Cruz last night as everybody else.
    What a waste of his opportunity. Increasingly everything about Cruz seems like a waste of a fine mind and the waste of so many genuine gifts Cruz was given.

    I liked Cruz from the start. He said all the right things that I want to hear about the Cobstitution. I was willing to overlook his preacherly mannerisms and his obvious egotism.
    By Jan-Feb his campaign was veering badly off the tracks, and it became obvious that Trump, imperfect as he may be, is absolutely the stronger, tougher campaigner, and the only candidate with any chance of stopping the monstrous Clinton Machine.
    I hoped there could somehow be a winning Trump-Cruz alliance ticket.
    After last night, I’m convinced we all dodged a yuuuuge bullet there. And that Trump was right to choose Pence and not Cruz as VP.

    I agree that Cruz self-destructed completely last night. I see no way back for him now. And he’s dead to me.
    Too bad. All he had to do last night was come out and simply be a good sport. Pretend, if necessary. That arena welcomed him with a standing ovation. They all wanted the best for him. You could feel the optimism. And he threw it all away, along with his career, I think. He could have ended with ‘it was a hard fought campaign, ugly things were said, but we have to stop Hilary and I ask you all to join me in supporting Donald Trump”. They would have given him a nonstop standing ovation. That crowd would have gone wild. Plus millions more watching at home.
    And today we would be discussing Cruz’ future on the Supreme Court, or Attorney General to prosecute the Clinton-Obama crime syndicate.
    Instead, Cruz threw it all away. He left that stage amid booing, a diminished man.

    Stupidly, I see he’s doubling down today.
    And all I can see is a vain, small, deluded. Ego-blinded little man.
    A surprisingly small little man.

    What a shame.

    Go Trump. Go Pence. And Hilary for Prison 2017.

  22. My thoughts (not really, but I agree, but don’t always adhere to wisdom).

    “I think the first wisdom is to restrain the tongue.”
    Cato the Younger

    Cruz lost an opportunity to display wisdom and implore all Freedom Loving Americans to support Trump.
    If that was against your conscience, you need to reevaluate how important the Presidency is and how the new President will impact our lives and the lives of our families for decades.

  23. You guys need to get over that.>>>

    No, you guys needed to stop talking about Cruz.
    It’s been Hillary Versus Trump since Indiana and all I ever heard was Cruz this and Cruz that.

    I had to endure petty guttersnipes at every turn whispering, talking and conspiring about how to install Cruz.
    Then it became, “vote for Hillary and then we’ll have Cruz in 2020.”

    Cruz, Cruz Cruz Cruz Cruz.
    Cruz lost.
    Not enough people liked him.
    I understand the base is perplexed and hurt.

    Today Cruz is getting his press, but it’s negative, and the cry is, “can we stop with the Cruz talk now”?

    Can we?

    You tell me.

    The focus SHOULD be on aiding Trump so he can defeat the most despicable progressive scrunt, and her sack of shit husband, in the United States.

    Is that what the focus is going to be?

    Are the #NeverTrumpers, including Cruz, going to stfu?

    Is John going to end it?
    You, Menderman and all the others that just don’t seem to understand, are you going to stop with the Trump sniping until after he has defeated Hillary?

  24. I would have been disappointed in Cruz if he had endorsed Trump. “Vote your conscious” was as close as he could come. Trump went after his family–his wife and his father–and accused him of having multiple affairs. That bridge to an endorsement was burned, by Trump.

    I agree with many of you that Trump is definitely the lessor of two evils considering that Hillary is the Anti-Christ incarnate, and when Cruz enters a voting booth, he may still pull the lever for Trump. But a public endorsement. Never. Not for someone with any integrity, not to mention loyalty to family.

  25. Yesterday there were several awesome speeches. Laura Ingraham just killed it. And what are we talking about today. And what’s the media talking about today? Thanks Teddy. Just go away.

  26. All I am asking for is some intellectual honesty.
    This all-in stuff is fine for the sycophantic democrats but it doesn’t wear well on conservatives.

    I agree Cruz shouldn’t have given any speech last night.
    However, since he did, I don’t blame him for the non-dorsement.

    Trump could have reached out last month and apologized publicly, giving Cruz a reason to turn around and endorse him.
    This would give Cruz an out, a way to stay with his principles.

    Instead, Trump thinks he doesn’t need Cruz or anyone.
    This will be Trump’s undoing come November.

  27. Going forth I am going to simply refer you to Rufus T. Firefly for comment.
    I am incapable of writing what he just wrote above.
    If I could amend one thing I would say that, although I think Cruz’s head is in the oven with his body slumped on the kitchen floor, there’s a pulse and he could be revived.

  28. Racer X.
    I agree with you.

    Cruz was not required to endorse Trump. I don’t even think he should have.
    His speech was fine, until he got to his calculated bitchy, catty, clever by half way of saying “don’t vote for Trump.”

    Anyone denying that that’s what it was instantly loses my respect.
    I don’t appreciate people like that, that slink and slither in gray areas, creating escape hatches for what has been said and done in case the heat gets turned up.

    Cruz endorsed a vote that isn’t for Trump, which can only be a help to Hillary, with his “vote your conscience” crap.

  29. I must be the weird one here since I can actually still get behind both Trump and Cruz.
    Cruz didn’t disappoint me at all last night.
    Hopefully Trump won’t disappoint me tonight.

    Trump will win Texas.
    Cruz will win re-election in Texas.

    A lot of you anti-Cruzers wish otherwise but this didn’t truly hurt him at all.

  30. @Loco – I am sure that is exactly how Ted Cruz feels. The problem is he is a member of the Republican party and should have said “Vote Republican” if he did not want to say the word Trump – he was on the stage at the REPUBLICAN convention and should have conducted himself accordingly.

    An inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one’s behavior.

    Oh the HORROR!>>>

    Cruz said, ” Vote your conscience.”

    You want the definition of that?

    It means if you think a vote for Trump would be wrong, follow that voice. That’s an endorsement for anything other than Trump, including a vote for Hillary.

    Why do you think Cruz is on the ropes today? Because everyone has poor Ted all wrong?
    Well maybe he should stop communicating like a fuckin’ shitweasel and talk plainly and with brevity. Then he won’t be so misunderstood.

  32. Thank you Fur. I agree we should hash this out about Cruz’ non-endorsement for 24 hours. Then tomorrow get on with the business of electing Trump.

    I’m puzzled and disappointed that Cruz is doubling down today. Sources say that previous donors and supporters alike are telling him last night was a disaster, and his career is over. Doubling down is not going to get him out of this. I doubt anything can, short of a 180 reversal and a press conference in which he endorses the nominee.
    Doesn’t look like that will happen. He needs to stop digging his own career grave.

    To anyone who just can’t let go of Cruz The Primary Candidate: it’s 2016. The Left has long ago dragged national politics into the sewer. Cruz says he’s irreconcilably offended that Trump went after his wife Heidi, and his father’s connections.
    It’s 2016. Does Cruz actually think Hilary and her devil’s den of MSM assassins were NOT going to go after his wife, his family, and every other possible target?
    Did he think this would be some scholarly Harvard debate in which he would exchange gentlemanly nuanced Federalist Papers quotations with Madame Secretary?

    Instead, Cruz is assuming the pose of a novice first-time boxer with a glass jaw.

    And in fairness, it was the Cruz campaign that started with the wife attacks. Cruz googled up an old GQ fashion-glamor photo shoot with Melania. Pre-Trump, IIRC, when she was a single supermodel. The Cruz campaign then tried to spin the GQ cover as ‘secret nude porno pix revealed!”
    That failed. Trump counter attacked with Heidi’s genuinely disturbing Goldman Sachs connections. Now Cruz is acting like that first time boxer with his first bloodied nose. Shocked, and asking through tears that the match be stopped.

    If this is any indication, Hilary’s people would have had Cruz’ guts for garters.
    Too bad. Cruz has rendered himself irrelevant now. A weak sister. And a glass jaw.
    Now the only time we’ll be seeing Cruz in future will be in Hilary’s anti-Trump commercials.

  33. But cruz has no integrity. NONE. He should have been dead to EVERYONE when he went with that lunatic beck to hand out teddy bears to illegal alien third world invader scum.

  34. A fellow on fb wrote about Ted today. To be honest, this is the caliber of what I had come to expect of Ted Cruz – not what he said last night. I watched his speech, thinking he would wind it up with something conveying an alignment against the hildebeest. But nooooo.

    This is what Cruz could have said that would have maintained his principles and not put the survival of our country at risk:

    “While I vehemently disagree with some of the tactics that Mr. Trump used against me and my family, and I am concerned about whether he will actually fulfill the promises he has made, he won the nomination and is the only alternative to the final destruction of our country, which cannot survive another Democrat administration, especially one led by the most corrupt politician in history to run for President. Therefore I am voting for him and encourage all of my loyal followers to do the same”.

    This would have brought down the house and actually preserved his career in national politics, which is now officially dead. In fact his political career in Texas may now be short lived, from what I am hearing.

  35. Lest anyone forget, Ted’s campaign manager was Jeff Roe, one of the sleaziest dirty-trickster public opinion manipulators ever conceived on God’s great earth. Roe is good at what he does, but he careth not about the damage he causes as a result as long as “his” man gets the nod.

    Alas, a lot of it backfired, resulting in Ted’s primary downfall.

  36. “Don’t stay home in November. Stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution.”

    Anyone that thinks that’s encouraging anybody to vote for Hiliary is insane.

  37. Cruz set an example of how to provide aid and comfort to the enemy. Hellary is over the moon with Ted’s support. He spent all that time on stage at the convention, pretending he cared about the fate of the Republican party, when all he did was pissed off everyone with his sore loser/petulant jerk speech. BTW, Ditto, Rufus T Firefly – excellent comments.

  38. I am quite sure that during the Texas USS primary campaign, Senator Ted Cruz will speak from the stumps, detailing his great accomplishments and reasons why he should be re-elected. At the close of his stump speeches he will clearly and unequivocally remind his followers to

    I am POSITIVE Ted will do this. Aren’t you?

  39. Menderman, was that before or after he said he can’t support someone who made fun of his family? Why didn’t he just say we all need to support the nominee to keep hillary out?

    “vote your conscience” has been the nevertrump battlecry this entire time. And now he’s going to swing that gate both ways?
    THAT’S why people are disappointed.

  40. As Prager says there are 2 parties- the stupid party and the dangerous party. After Romney I promised I would never underestimate any Republican ability with regards to stupid… aaaaaaaaaaand Cruz just sucker punched me.

    As I’ve unplugged I only catch the highlights the morning after. To wake up and find Cruz went full retard is upsetting. But when you think about the fact that trump ragged on his wife, accused his dad of being in on JFK’s assassination and remarked how Cruz looked a lot like the Zodiac killer… what the hell was trump thinking by putting Cruz on the stand? Don’t get me wrong Cruz is more to blame but everyone was drinking out of the stupid jar on this.

    Cruz could have delivered a blistering speech- something along the lines of: trump insulted my wife, accused my dad of murdering JFK and that I could be the zodiac killer and I will vote my conscience… I will vote for Trump. trump may say wacky things but by god he has not raped anyone. He has not character assassinated anyone to cover for a serial rapist…. (then go into a list of crimes against this country and humanity via e-mails and equality under the law, planed parenthood, La Raza & BLM) and conclude anyone with a soul and love this Republic could not possible vote for Hillary and therefore the clear and only choice is vote for trump.

    But no, he had to play the stupid card that every Republican is issued with. Why, when the rules clearly state that you can use your whole turn to discard your remaining cards to receive a new hand that will contain at least one stupid card; this action is your whole turn and you can do nothing else until it is your turn again.

    All the Trump train people I know have assured me Trump will ‘take it to Hillary’. When does the ‘taking it’ begin? “Crooked Hillary” is not enough if we are going to win this thing.

    One last thought- Huck-a-billy in 08 spoiled ‘the Mormon’s’ chance. in 012 the former Baptist preacher did his utmost to prevent ‘the Mormon’ from getting the nomination. But when it was over Huck-a-billy got up there and endorsed Romney. If a former Baptist preacher, who knows every single Mormon is going to burn in hell, can put that aside and unify the team…. all I can say is Cruz has no excuse. If you get in that box its with the understanding that you are going to keep your eyes open and swing at any strike with the intent to score a hit or at the bare minimum not be foolish at start swinging at balls. After all a walk is as good as a hit. From what you all are saying is sounds like it was not “Casey at the bat” but rather “Cruz at the bat”.

    Never underestimate the power of stupid with regards to Republicans and their ability to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.

  41. Sen. Cruz pledged to “support” the eventual nominee.
    That nominee is Mr. Trump.

    Sen. Cruz attacked that nominee after congratulating him on winning the nomination. Where is the “support?” I didn’t expect him to slobber all over Mr. Trump’s ass – just do what he pledged to do – no weasel-word bullshit.

    Sen. Cruz failed to do that.
    He is not a man of his word.

    Somehow, we need to bring honor back into politics. Heaven knows that there isn’t any in the Demonrat camp, and precious little in the Republicrat.

    I actually believe it’s too late, when a lying grifter like HRC is the nominee of the Socialist Party and a shitpickle-eating shitweasel tries to disguise his not-so-clever public abnegation of his own honor by enlisting the weasel-words of lawyer-speak.

    izlamo delenda est …

  42. It was before. My only point in that comment is many are saying he gave the go ahead for his followers to vote Hiliary. Clearly he did not. What he did do is tell his followers to not stay home, and that is important. We desperately need to keep congress. Trump will need congress to get his agenda passed. Nobody really expected an endorsement and I doubt an actual endorsement from Cruz would have helped. We do need the people that vowed to stay home to help us. At least he did that.

  43. Sniping Trump? When?>>>

    –Sadly, to save this republic, we need to elect an asshole billionaire that got rich abusing the laws.

    — The cartoon is missing Trump handing cash to Hiliary

    —Typical Trump supporter right there, and this is what iOTWr has evolved into.

    —– Trump said: “I will be meeting with the NRA, who has endorsed me, about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list, or the no fly list, to buy guns.”

    Yuge difference. (The use of “yuge” is a snipe.”)

    — Can I criticize Trump for surrendering on the 2nd Amendment? (You never proved your case, but kept telling everyone that Trump caved on 2a.)

    — So, Putin wants Trump to be President.


    —- Maybe I should have held my nose and voted for a scumbag that said “read my lips”, but I didn’t. Now I am asked to do it again?

    —– I don’t care if Trump wins the presidency. Honestly, I don’t. I’m not planning on voting for him, but really, I don’t care.

    —– It is unlikely I will vote for Trump. Seeing you consumed with rage rather than being guided by principle is disturbing to watch. You have one goal: “Stop Hiliary!”…nothing else matters to you. That’s sad to watch.

    —- Second thing, I am a Cruz sycophant, No surprise there. Also, I m not a big Trump fan…y’all are shocked to hear that right?

    — Fur, you have asked me to not come to Trump threads and bash Trump. I came to this thread and never bashed Trump and simply asked a question. Trump’s recent statements are calculated to help him win the general. Maybe he is that much smarter than me and the average voter and we can’t understand his masterful plan?

    One of your big problems is that you don’t see how catty and snipey you are.
    Or maybe you know you are but think people are too stupid too see your passive aggression?

  44. @LocoBlancoSaltine

    “I see iotw is gone full #NeverCruz.”

    The #NeverCruz was settled when Cruz suspended his campaign after losing the Indiana primary.He should have stayed out of sight.

    Last night he showed his true personality. Now we all know why he can’t get along with anyone.It is all about him. A man unwilling to honor his word.

    He is just another shtstn attorney-politician who can’t tell the truth.

    I wish I could get my donations I sent him in 2015 back.

  45. Remember early in the primaries, when the absolute DREGS of the Republicant party (its leaders) claimed that Cruz “doesn’t work well with others (senators)” ??

    Cruz’ RNC speech kinda validated the charges laid by the McCains, Boners, and Lindsies

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