School Does Away With Clapping – Promotes “Silent Cheers” – IOTW Report

School Does Away With Clapping – Promotes “Silent Cheers”

I have a silent cheer of my own for this school and their policy…

SKY NEWS- A public primary school on Sydney’s northern beaches has banned clapping in an effort to cater for students who are ‘sensitive to noise’.

In the most recent issue of Elanora Heights Public School’s ‘Connect’ newsletter, an announcement from the Parents and Citizens Association reveals a ‘silent cheers’ policy has been introduced at school assemblies.

The practice requires students and audience members alike to refrain from clapping, instead mandating a set of appreciative physical gestures in order to ‘respect members of the school community who are sensitive to noise’.

‘Instead of clapping, the students are free to punch the air, pull excited faces and wriggle about on the spot,’ the announcement states.

The policy follows revelations in the school’s previous newsletter of the implementation of a ‘friendship seat’.

The concept exists to encourage ‘a friendly, caring and inclusive school environment’ by alerting students if their friends are lonely during their break.

‘By sitting on the seat, the student is alerting others that they may be lonely. Students are then encouraged to include the student in their play.’

In recent related news, teachers at Cheltenham Girls High School have been instructed to avoid using the terms ‘girls, ‘ladies’ or ‘women’ so as to support LGBTI pupils and avoid discrimination.

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32 Comments on School Does Away With Clapping – Promotes “Silent Cheers”

  1. All these tail wagging the dog rules are just designed to indoctrinate children that it is normal to give one person the right to oppress the many over reasons that don’t have to make sense.

  2. The practice requires students and audience members alike to refrain from clapping, instead mandating a set of appreciative physical gestures in order to ‘respect members of the school community who are sensitive to noise’.

    How about earplugs? Why does the surrounding world have to change.

  3. Captain Obvious says, “If the purpose of schooling is to prepare children for adult life, then when do these people propose to outlaw car horns, yelling cops, metal garbage cans, vuvuzelas, and bean burritos? The world is, after all, a noisy place.”

  4. Ugh. This is how you train and create Baby Snowflakes
    or Zombetts. I truly hope Mr. Trump can do something to get the Gov out of the schools. Starting with Common Core and the Unions.

  5. My son has autism. One of his challenges is that his five senses are incredibly sensitive. So, loud noises are actually painful for him. When he goes to an assembly at school, there are noise-cancelling headphones available for his use.

    It isn’t always about being a special snowflake. Sometimes, there are actual reasons why a person does something. I don’t ever expect kids to stop being noisy. But, I do expect understanding and compassion for people, like my son, who have legitimate issues. And autism isn’t something that is visible.

    I do think this school is going overboard. But, maybe they have reasons that they aren’t putting out for public consumption.

  6. Aharte, have you considered a more compassionate, for both your son and others, approach than public school?
    Forcing all to bend for the special needs of one breeds justifiable resentment. You should consider that your son may not be equipped to deal with what other kids will do when they manifest that resentment.
    Just as when you do not enjoy a particular kind of music you avoid those venues, your son should be in a place where things are more to his nature.

  7. JohnS, did you even read my comment? I said that my son has noise-canceling headphones available if he needs them AND that this school is going overboard. I know that reading comprehension isn’t everyone’s strong point. However, I expected better from you. I was merely pointing out that there are reasons that a school may adopt this policy, one being that they may have a large number of students with sensory processing disorders. Nowhere in my comment, not once, did I say that anyone should be FORCED to bend for my son.

  8. Vietvet, you beat me to it. They should all give them a great big BA moon movement with the world’s longest, loudest and smelliest fart at the same time. And if some kid sharts, so much the better, the libs will just make the poor union paid janitor clean it up. And they could do it all while singing Der Fuhrer’s (shrillarry’s, barry’s) Face. Seig Heil, Seig Hiel, we’re training young skulls full of mush to be the master race.

  9. Aharte, your original post, combined with your insult leavened second comment, call into serious question your ability to have empathy for others.
    I wish the best for your son considering the obstacles placed in his path.

  10. Tra la la boom dee ay, let’s all fart in the liberals general direction today. Tra la la boom dee ay, we’ll keep it up everyday, maybe the putrid smell will make them go away. I’m not holding my breath today because the pro abort, occupy types and dreadlocked, patchouli smelling, dope smoking types smell like death warmed over anyway. Hey, hey, hey… I’d betcha as unkempt as Karl Marx was he smelled like shit.

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