Worst Goal Ever – IOTW Report

Worst Goal Ever

Ok, this happened here in Minnesota a few days ago. I have a friend who went to this game and watched it happen. She showed me the video the next day and I nearly dropped my coffee.

I’ve watched some good soccer games and NEVER saw anything like this. Yeah, maybe little 3 year olds run the wrong way and make a goal or touchdown for the other team, but this was a professional!

Watch this video first.

Then watch the video that the team made to explain why it happened.

Way to make lemonade from sour lemons!

12 Comments on Worst Goal Ever

  1. I once found a stick in my work parking lot with a nail in it.
    I went to chuck it away and held on to it too long.
    It went sideways and took out a colleagues side view mirror.
    I owned up to it and paid for it.
    The most embarrassing thing I have ever done.
    Damn glad it wasn’t on video.
    Now this dude will NEVER hear the end.

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