Hillary Chooses Kaine To Lean On – IOTW Report

Hillary Chooses Kaine To Lean On

Is Kaine Able?

NY Times-

Hillary Clinton named Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia to be her running mate Friday, according to a senior campaign official, selecting a battleground state politician with working-class roots and a fluency in Spanish, traits that she believes can bolster her chances to defeat Donald J. Trump in November.

 Mrs. Clinton’s choice came after her advisers spent months poring over potential vice-presidential candidates who could lift the Democratic ticket in an unpredictable race against Mr. Trump.

In the end, Mrs. Clinton decided Mr. Kaine, 58, a former governor of Virginia who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and speaks fluent Spanish, had the qualifications and background and the personal chemistry with her to make the ticket a success.

Mrs. Clinton had entertained more daring choices. She considered Thomas E. Perez, the secretary of labor, who would have been the first Hispanic on a major party ticket; Senator Cory Booker, of New Jersey, who would have been the first African-American to seek the vice presidency; and Adm. James G. Stavridis, a retired four-star Navy admiral who served as the supreme allied commander at NATO, but had never held elected office.

In the end, Mrs. Clinton, who told PBS she is “afflicted with the responsibility gene,” avoided taking a chance with a less experienced vice-presidential candidate and felt no political need to push the historic nature of her candidacy by adding another woman or a minority to the ticket.

Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Kaine have similar centrist positions on foreign policy, education and criminal justice and they are said to share an easy rapport and a love of granular policy-making. “I do have a fondness for wonks,” Mrs. Clinton said in the PBS interview.

30 Comments on Hillary Chooses Kaine To Lean On

  1. “Mrs. Clinton, who told PBS she is “afflicted with the responsibility gene,” avoided taking a chance with a less experienced vice-presidential candidate”…

    The responsibility gene…… who knew?

  2. Huge mistake. Kaine’s a bland, uninteresting nonentity.
    He doesn’t bring any specialty Dem demographic with him.
    Speaks Spanish? Riiiight. Because yo habla espanol worked so well for !Jeb!

    Along with the Wikileak of 20,000 hacked DNC emails, a bad day for the DNC.

    “Clinton Cash” download is free all this weekend.

    And now their convention will actually lead off Monday with ghetto mamas whose thug offspring were shot committing violent crimes?

    I’m loving it.

  3. And why should anyone GAFF? It doesn’t make a bit of difference whom she chose for her running mate,

    Unlike Trump, who knows how to work collaboratively with people–and will undoubtedly do so with Gov. Pence–Hillary truly, deeply believes that this sick exercise of running for an office she is patently unqualified to hold is all. About. HER.

    It will be a great day in my life to see Trump beat the living daylights out of this smug, calculating, conniving, lying, manipulative, overentitled, traitorous bitch at the polls.

  4. Hellary needs to pack her bags for Leavenworth or Gitmo. Barry won’t even care to pardon her for any future indictments. Stick a fork in her – she’s done!
    Picking a milquetoast as her VP running mate might be great for her overbearing ego, but politically, she punched another hole in that Titanic campaign she’s sabotaging.
    She just guaranteed Mr. Trump will be our next president. Sweet!

  5. Tim Kaine always reminds me of the Doorman in the Wizard of Oz film

    … “Who rang that bell?” … “Well, bust my buttons, that’s a horse of a different color…”

  6. Sure they will make a big dealio about Kaine speaking Spanish. the language of those who mean old Donald wants to build a wall to keep out. but can he speak out of both sides of his mouth like Hillary? she is over no matter what the polls and press say! and Obama’s house of cards is about to be blown away by the TRUMP card.

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