Hillary and the Mothers of the Movement – IOTW Report

Hillary and the Mothers of the Movement

The DNC convention next week will feature a group calling themselves the “Mothers of the Movement,”  who are aggrieved mothers of the recent headliners involving black deaths.  The group has already been road-tested on its own in Ferguson and has appeared with Hillary Clinton in South Carolina.

The exclusion of the relatives of police officers recently slain in a number of ambushes and mass shoots by the Democrats at their convention has not gone unnoticed by the Philadelphia police.

Who are the Mothers of the Movement Here

Reaction of Philly police Here

The lopsided message being conveyed here raises the all too real prospect of the Democrat brand being tainted as anti-police and the potential to generate enormous political dividends for the law and order campaign of Donald Trump.

23 Comments on Hillary and the Mothers of the Movement

  1. DO IT!
    They will really lock the 20% insane prog.
    “Hillory or nobody” voters down tight.
    90% of the whites will run the other way;
    figuring that when BLM gets tired of helping
    to murder cops; the white civilians are next.

  2. Oh lord, is she nutz? This is like watching a train wreck. I know I’m not going to miss this.

    I’m dead serious-you want to talk about Ted Cruz committing suicide on national TV? This is a line of Japanese samurai cutting their stomachs open and spilling their intestines out on the floor.

    I predict it will go down in history as the All Time Tin Ear Moment.

  3. @willysgoatgruff: In case you missed it, the thread below “White Woman Apologizes To Random Black Man For Police Violence – She Never Counted On This Response” nails it about why blacks all have different last names.

  4. So these are bad parents that spawned irresponsibly and created the street thugs that are inspiring fellow thugs to even more murder and thuggery is supposed to get my vote?

    Actually I’m more inclined to think that these broads should LOSE there vote for the death and destruction they had a hand in.

    This will create no converts. The losers were going to vote Hillary anyway. I guess this is just a get out the black Obama vote op.

  5. Should be a good show Kankles, Timmy, BLM, Mom Move, Sanderbots, a bus load of donkeys HeeHawing at the microphone and the proggy leaftist nut bags on the floor. The city built a wall around the WFCenter to protect Philly from the madness.

  6. Mothers of the Monsters are not going to inspire anyone but other “mothers” of thugs hoping to get paid. Thugs who inevitably will have their lives cut short because of hoodrat mothers and absent fathers letting the streets raised their sons. Dead monsters don’t deserve to be grieved.

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