Lefty Muslim Congressman Claims Racist George Wallace Was a Republican – IOTW Report

Lefty Muslim Congressman Claims Racist George Wallace Was a Republican

Pictured: Racist Democrat George Wallace attends a lobster bake, hosted by George H.W. Bush, and shares a table with the husband of this year’s Democrat nominee for president, Bill Clinton.

In a Reversal – A Muslim Gets Blown Up By the Cole.

Muslim leftist, Keith Ellison, during a panel discussion said that racist George Wallace was a Republican. Neither Donna Brazile or George Stephanopoulos corrected him. Oklahoma congressman Tom Cole did.

via Rick Wells

20 Comments on Lefty Muslim Congressman Claims Racist George Wallace Was a Republican

  1. “In a Reversal – A Muslim Gets Blown Up By the Cole”

    Say, that’s pretty damn clever.

    I like how Ellison just blew it off and Stef saw it coming and hurried Cole through it. Fucking assholes.

    What kind of district would elect Ellison anyway? I thought the worst I had had the misfortune to experience was D-1 in CO-Pat Scroader for 12!!! terms and then the dumbest white person in the House, Diana DeGette(she thinks magazines are one offs)

  2. good job, mr cole

    shame on the rest

    also, mr ellison, i suppose your mention of “freedom of the press” only relates to the liberal press

    fu, assholes, we are so on to the bullshit

  3. Stephanopoulos is the ultimate Hitlery-esque insider. He does just enough, or ignores just enough, to do a chink of damage to the Republicans every day he’s on TV. Then denies it.
    He knows Wallace was a straight up Democrat, but chose to ignore Ellison’s statement and let the damage go out over the air.
    He ultimately was the corrupt insider that launched that whole war on woman thing that Romney was too incompetent to overcome.
    Why does the Republican Party allow him to continue in his anchor role for all these political broadcasts without protest?

  4. Yea, little Stephie didnt correct Ellison when stated a complete fabrication, but when Obama mentioned his “Muslim faith” to Stephie a few years ago, dang!, Stephie made sure to correct Obama before the words left Obama’s lips.

  5. It’s these Leftist history revisionists that also won’t admit that the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr was a lifelong registered Republican until the day he was assassinated….by a Democrat.

  6. Ellison is a racist rabble rouser who was elected in Minnesota and I’m beginning to think those morons would elect Hitler if he ran on the Democrat-Farmer-Labor party. Ellison himself is a self-serving piece of crap who when his wife was suffering from MS he divorced her presumably to start his own private harem. I’m not surprised he tried to slip a lie in there figuring that Stephanopolous would let him get away with it but when caught just sluffed it off and waited for George to rescue him which he did. I wasn’t a Trump supporter but by God I hope he wins and at least keeps a couple of his promises. It would also be nice to see a political “settling of accounts” by Trump that would knock some of these GOP elites on their asses.

  7. If Stephanopoulos is so devoid of character that he’d help a rapist Clinton become president AND a rapist-enabler Clinton become president he’s certainly not gonna stop to correct anything as trivial as transferring racism from the guilty party to the innocent party.
    He only stops to “correct” America-hating muslims from lying about “their muslim faith” when it serves to cover for islam.

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