Altered States – IOTW Report

Altered States

I meant to rerun this on Chappaquiddick day, but I couldn’t track it down.

It’s a little video I made about altered history and what certain moments could have meant if the outcome was a little different.

It starts with a moment that would probably have been inconsequential to history. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge wobbles, but settles and then is opened in a ceremonious ribbon cutting.

Next up, a mustache-less Hitler delivering a speech, and the Nazis marching as agents of peace, would have changed the course of history.

The men with Dr. King are pointing up, not at his assassin, but at a banner welcoming him to Memphis.

Einstein’s theory is E=MC cubed.

The 9/11 plane misses the buildings.

The Zapruder film builds to the moment where Jackie leans over and gives her husband a kiss.

Lincoln survives his assassination attempt, the bullet passing through his hat, which he carries with him as a reminder.

But it’s the last frame that I like the best. It’s a picture of Ted Kennedy, with his wife, at Mary Jo Kopechne’s funeral.

22 Comments on Altered States

  1. The Tacoma Narrows bridge is not so inconsequential as it serves as an example of the danger of harmonic oscillations to nearly every engineer that has graduated since then.

  2. The Tacoma Narrows bridge is not so inconsequential as it serves as an example of the danger of harmonic oscillations to nearly every engineer that has graduated since then.>>

    You’re now my official spox.


    I play keyboards, but I would never claim to be a musician (like someone that can go on stage and jam with a band and be impressive.) ((But I was in a band with Irony Curtain.)) (((He’s the real deal. I’m like Susan Day.)))

    But give me 16 tracks and a midi-keyboard with full band emulators and I will give you what you just heard.

  4. BFH,
    Can you make an “Altered States” that goes back to 1900, and shows what would happen if Woodrow Wilson didn’t become president, if the 16th and 17th Amendments weren’t passed, and the Fed Reserve Bank wasn’t formed.

  5. I always wanted to go back in time a bet a million on the Mets in 86, and then when there’s 2 out and nobody on in the 9th, facing elimination, I would say , “you know what… make it 50 million, tough guy.”

  6. Looks more like Mary Jo Kopechne at Ted Kennedy’s funeral.

    To me, anyway.

    P.S. – If E had equaled MC cubed, I suspect there would be very few people speaking Japanese today.


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