Synchronized Spinning – IOTW Report

Synchronized Spinning

Via American Digest


16 Comments on Synchronized Spinning

  1. The media warns us about the Donald’s “Dark Side”. Too bad they didn’t warn us about Obama’s “Don’t Mess With The Prophet Mohammed Side” or the Clinton’s “Murderous Larcenous Wild Penis Side.”

  2. “Spin?”

    Since when is rabid socialist propaganda “spin?”
    “Spin” sounds so much nicer, doesn’t it?
    This kind of prevarication is the ultimate PC.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The only people that get their news from the alphabets are already in their circle jerk. It reenforces their idiocy to REgressives and reenforces our knowledge about how deep the left dominated media is in the tank for our enemies.

    So fuck ’em

  4. I wonder what the unified label will be for Trump’s press conference yesterday. Probably something centered around treason. Yesterday they were just kneading the dough. Today we get it baked, packaged and labeled.

  5. What? Does anyone doubt for a single nanosecond, that the MSM reads or speaks, or prints, EXACTLY what the Jarrett driven , big brother government tells them to say, read, or print?

    Over and over, again, we hear the exact words from each of the obamabots, as they refer to their notebooks, and that always includes the MSM.

  6. They all get their orders from the same place. Money too. Soros, 0bama, Hillary, Jarrett …

    And Satan masquerades as an angel of light. Why shouldn’t his daughter do the same? It’s projection.

  7. Missing from that list is NPR and PRI. I’ve heard the words “dark” and “Trump” uttered numerous times over the last week.

    Why do I listen to Public Radio? To keep tabs on the enemy.

  8. Well, of course it’s coordinated propaganda (as all good propaganda must be). But, since most of you aren’t the target, you’re misinterpreting the intent. Now that Mrs. Re-Cage the Negroes is the only option to The Trumpening, what are Black Lives Matter (To My Not Having to Get a “Private” Sector Job) supposed to do for the rest of the year? Oh, but The Donald is like a Sith Lord? A straight up gangsta’? Well, we’d never tell you to vote for an old, white guy – but when the choice is between the old, white woman who (according to her husband) helped him do all the “good” things that ravaged The Black Community, or Darth Trump, well, thug, do what you gotta’ do.

  9. Major Mal Function is correct Journolist is alive and well! Two or possibly three headlines like those shown could be a coincidence but all those are clearly planned and orchestrated. They don’t even try to hide their collusion any more. They just stick their “middle finger” up to the rest of us. The lame stream media can’t go out of business fast enough!

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