“The American dream is something no wall can ever contain.” -President Obama in his address to the Democratic National Convention – IOTW Report

“The American dream is something no wall can ever contain.” -President Obama in his address to the Democratic National Convention

“The American dream is something no wall can ever contain.”  -President Obama in his address to the Democratic National Convention

With that remark, Obama revealed the fact that he is a proponent of open borders. His oft-repeated refrain, “comprehensive immigration reform,” means amnesty and the continuation of a porous fence, replete with welcome mat.

20 Comments on “The American dream is something no wall can ever contain.” -President Obama in his address to the Democratic National Convention

  1. The purpose of the wall is not to contain, like the Berlin wall; it is to keep the riff raff out and protect our way of life. But Obummer want’s no part of that.

  2. With demoncraps in charge, the American dream is dead. obama’s idea of the “American dream” is his moslem bros coming in and taking all of whiteys stuff and wiping them out.

  3. But wait, 2 sentences before he uttered, “The American Dream is something no wall can contain” he said, “Hillary knows we can insist on a lawful and orderly immigration system…”

    When he sues states for doing nothing more then trying to enforce FEDERAL law???? He’s trying to tell us he wants an orderly immigration system??? That is the quintessential non sequitur.

    And if I could have seen a collective snap shot of a bunch of marines when he spewed this beaut, “Just ask the Marine who proudly serves his country without hiding the husband he loves.” Oh Lordie.

    Finally I knew he wouldn’t able to resist a petulant response to Trump calling him the most ignorant president in history and boy he delivered with this one, “…and then there’s Donald Trump. He’s not really a plans guy. Not really a facts guy, either.”

    “not really a plans guy”??? He’s winging 75 story skyscrapers? Renovating historic buildings? Mapping out world class golf courses?

    This from the fool who hasn’t hired one person to be paid out of his pocket ever. Who hasn’t gotten 1 project from concept to completion in his life. Who in essence hasn’t done anything but gum up the fucking works all of his life.

    Jesus, what’s the days remaining count today yonkers?

  4. Hey wizz kid Barry, maybe it’s the Mexican and moslem dreams we need to focus on containing, before they destroy what’s left of America. Just like you, that seems to be what they dream about.

  5. @MM

    “Hillary knows we can insist on a lawful and orderly immigration system…”

    What does that sentence even mean? It’s just community organizer gobbledygook. How many verbs and vague, passive filler words does he need to put between “Hillary” and “a lawful and orderly immigration system”? I know, I know,,, he’s a better speechwriter than his speechwriters.

  6. He could give a shit about the American Dream.
    Moe I respectfully disagree,
    The wall should keep those 20 million illegals in here and paying double taxes until the debt is paid off

  7. If walls are not useful instead of increasing the height of the White House fence why doesn’t he order it removed and order the Secret Service to stack their weapons. If walls are not useful why does Bill & Hillary have a fence around their home and armed guards at their wall (except when Bill travels with is pedophile friend)? Nobody is talking about limiting the American dream for those that are willing to come here work hard, obey our laws, become productive citizens and respect the rights and property of others. Islam & sharia law are the antithesis of western values and democracy and must not be allowed a foothold in the US.

  8. Geezuz your President is a dunce. The American Dream isn’t a thing to be contained it’s a concept, a dream, an ideal that can take place anywhere in the world. A free and ambitious people can create the American Dream wherever they live, it’s not something only available within the borders of the United States. What a dark, divisive and truly evil man this President is.

  9. don’t need a wall. end all the freebies listed on the sign (and all the rest of them), enact something like everify, prosecute anyone who knowingly hires an illegal to the fullest extent of the law, and end h1b visas. problem solved. you’re welcome

  10. Obama gave a projection of the speech the First Lady gave on Monday, one woven with a beautiful web of platitudes and fake bones thrown to conservatives. Donald Trump s despicability and utter lack of principles made this easy, if not inevitable. ‘When I first started I was actually wanting to vote for Trump, because there were certain things he says he stands for I agree with’

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