A Fool And His Lottery Money – IOTW Report

A Fool And His Lottery Money

Lottery winner Ronnie Music, Jr. decided the best place to put his $3 million winnings was into a meth lab. “As a result of his unsound investment strategy, Music now faces decades in a federal prison.”



16 Comments on A Fool And His Lottery Money

  1. He should have donated a bunch of it to Obola and opened a “Green” window-installation company – the rewards would have been greater and NO chance of being prosecuted. After receiving a half $billion for “research and expansion,” and declaring bankruptcy, he could have retired to some quiet meth lab in the Ozarks and lived like a Grand Vizier (stoned and mindless, but surrounded by ready girls and an army of Brown Pamper guards).

    izlamo delenda est …

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