Hillary Lives – IOTW Report

Hillary Lives

Parody of They Live.

In this movie, in order to see Hillary’s hidden agenda we don’t need special sunglasses. Ordinary ones will do because her agenda isn’t hidden.

Click into post for short clip.

15 Comments on Hillary Lives

  1. Wearing those “sunglasses”,
    Hillary’s face will be the same
    as the aliens in the original film.

    “Trump’s here to eat taco bowls and kick ass…and he’s ALL OUT OF taco bowls…”

  2. Demons suffer around goodness. Of course they recoiled.

    $10 says the food was blessed before delivery. Worse than spitting in the food for a progressive. Maybe CFA could… nah. Wishful thinking.

  3. I bow My head to your greatness…(without losing eye contact, it’s not like you’re a Saudi King;) )

    Anyway, shared the sh&t out of this…and I love the Movie !

  4. Multi-tasking is obviously not my forte. Please forgive my wrong-thread post above.

    I bet Trump would like it. Using it or stealing the idea is a toss-up.

  5. great stuff! can we have the fight scene where she is beat up by david keith?

    since you are so gifted in this vein, how about putin turning over emails to melania while “to russia with love” plays.

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