Julian Assange Vows That His Next Leak Will Result In Hillary Clinton’s Arrest – IOTW Report

Julian Assange Vows That His Next Leak Will Result In Hillary Clinton’s Arrest

It’s a bold claim. Do we have any reason to doubt him? He sees that the DOJ had no desire to indict Hillary, and that Comey’s recommendation that Hillary be given a stern look signaled that she’s pretty much untouchable.

He’s not an idiot. He must think that what he has is so ironclad that the country would demand her head on a pike when we see this leak.

See the video inside this post.

34 Comments on Julian Assange Vows That His Next Leak Will Result In Hillary Clinton’s Arrest

  1. Assange may know just how corrupt Hillary and Bill are, but Assange hasn’t taken into account that Obama, IRS, DOJ and FBI are corrupt lap dogs of the progressive/socialist elite.

    Don’t hold your breath Assange, the progressive/socialist criminal enterprise is even larger than the SCAM Clinton foundation.

  2. According to Ed Klein’s book BLOOD FEUD, Obama’s vigorous support of Hillary may be designed to give him plausible deniability, when she’s taken out of the election.

  3. I was lucky enough to have computer problems that prevented me from listening to her 90 minutes of lies. Hope Assange has something here, but it really does seem like Charlie Brown and the football, as wisely noted by LBS.

  4. “Assange will provide material sufficient to indict Hillary.” Material has already been provided (FBI/email) sufficient to indict Hillary, yet no indictment. I predict the same outcome. But I hope I’m wrong!

  5. By the way, what do you suppose the Dems have in store for their October surprise? Maybe it’ll be divulged as a result of the server hack. In any event it can’t measure up to the current surprises being dribbled out.

  6. unless he’s got a very good, clear video of Killary actually slitting the throat of some innocent, there will be nothing that the Obama Regime & the media will not cover up …. come to think of it, they’ll cover up ANYTHING, including murder.

    .. & the demonRats October Surprise (if they find themselves too far behind Trump to fudge the votes)will be the untimely demise of that luvable lug, Bill Clinton.
    yes, I think they would absolutely go there!

  7. Sorry, the throat slitting wouldn’t possibly be enough to sway the followers in her cult of personality. ‘This is the BEST tasting Kool-Aid ever, man!’

    Bunker mentality, to the bitter end. Let’s bring them the bitter end at the polls.

  8. Hillary is protected on high by the Prince of Darkness. She could stab a kid with cancer to death for the fun of it, and she’d get away with it. And within a week, the press would be blaming Trump for it. It’s as simple as that.

  9. In yesterday’s Florida presser, Trump was asked something (I couldn’t hear the question) about email to which he replied, “I’m not an email person…(reporter asked ?)…because email can be hacked.” (boisterous laughter from reporters)

  10. What *should* get Killery arrested is a picture of her in a little bikini, posing the way Melania Trump did for ‘OceanView’.

    (Fur, I teed it up for you.)

  11. Egg on the face is good.
    Noose on the neck would be better.

    You are now a target with a price on your head, Julian. Barry goes down too if Hillary does.

    And do something about that name, Jules. Every time I expect to see a women when I click on your name.

  12. Arrest or not, the cumulative weight of scandal after scandal over Hillary’s head WILL weigh on the minds of American voters.

    Victory in November: results over revenge.

    Yeah, “the final nail in Hillary’s coffin” *would* be nice but we’ll have to wait and see…Obama *does* have this “kiss of death” effect on his endorsements, so maybe JP and Sylvia are right (Obama be all and end all being revenge).

  13. On listening to Hillary and Obama speak at the DNC the following came to mind. (I had to look it up)
    Proverb 6: 16-19.
    “Seven things that are an abomination to Our Lord:
    1, A proud (haughty) look,
    2. a lying tongue,
    3. hands that shed innocent blood,
    4. a heart that devises wicked plans,
    5. feet that are swift in running to evil,
    6. a false witness who speaks lies,
    7. and one who sows discord among brethren.” (in the community)

    I pray that America comes to her senses and rids the world of this evil come November.

  14. Now that the Dems have sent Bernie back to Vermont, anything is possible.

    Don’t be fooled, BHO hates her guts. A pardon will shut her ass up as her health deteriorates.

    It ain’t Kain.

  15. Odds are that Assange has proof of Hillary doing exactly what she accused Trump of doing with Russia. If you want to know what a dem is up to, just watch what they accuse their enemies of doing.

    I hope that scumbag Podesta knows what’s coming and tries to do damage control. A botched coverup would be icing on the cake.

  16. If 0Zero is not running for a third term, then what the hell is the reason for all of those Obama signs on the convention floor? Think about it. Their very presence is bizarre. I’m thinking that she will go down at the 11th hour, and 0zero will step in at the last minute “for the good of America”. Either that or (shudder) Moose will be put forward as the candidate.

  17. Note that Assange didn’t say who would be arresting her. God knows what crimes the most well-traveled SOS evar has committed in other countries. She could fighting extradition to Norway or Malaysia on Halloween, and the DOJ may be fresh out of “Get Out of Jail” cards.

  18. If Julian can get Hellery actually indicted due to his WikiLeaks, I don’t care if he is Satan Incarnate, I will shake his hand and buy him a beer. (But no signatures.)

  19. @Viet Vet — Now, that was just mean. 40 years later, I’m still trying to get that image of Linda Blair walking like a spider down those stairs out of my head.

  20. @AbigailAdams: Not mean – devilish. 😈

    BTW, for the life of me, I could not figure out what you were talking about with “Linda Blair walking like a spider down those stairs”. Well, I Googled around and, come to find out, that scene was cut from the original Exorcist movie partly because it was deemed too fake, so I never saw it. It was added into later re-releases of the film after it was enhanced through improved technology.


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