So Disgusting We Had To Censor It – IOTW Report

So Disgusting We Had To Censor It


24 Comments on So Disgusting We Had To Censor It

  1. It’s no doubt that the Clinton’s and the Obama’s hated each other so I wonder how much of the Clinton Foundation money is going to make it’s way to Obama’s Presidential Library and Retirement fund?

  2. These photos with Cankles playing balloon catch with Dumbndumber, huggies on Barky are so contrived, such lies…this theatre’ of the Nauseous should turn every potential voter not blinded by their insane love for Cankles against her permanently! Phony, liar, killer, traitor….herpes tongue eaten lesbian!!!

  3. Each was thinking of the last time he or she put a knife in the other’s back–that, or he’s thinking of Reggie and herself is contemplating what Huma’s going to do to her later that night.

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