Stunt man Luke Aikin failed to kill himself yesterday when he jumped from an airplane at 25,000 feet only to land on his back into a 100 by 100 foot net.
Present at the potentially-fatal jump was Luke’s wife and 4-year-old son along with a crowd and TV crew who were broadcasting the stunt live for those at home who wanted to watch a man go splat near Simi Valley, CA.
Congrats to you Luke, now knock it off. You’ve got a wife and child to think about.
Seems to me he cut it pretty close. Man, what some folks will do for fame.
Mad props to the guy for balls of steel, but that was also the most useless and stupid stunt I have ever seen.
Attention whore.
And we would have been stuck paying SS survivor benefits to his kid for the next 14 year. A-hole!
We should do that with planes full jihadis, except there won’t be a net.
Next week, Geraldo will open the vault containing nude pictures of obama’s mom, obama’s birth certificate, school records, real social security number and DNA tests on Frank Marshal.
55 Minutes of commercials, 4 minutes of hype and 1 minute to find that the vault is empty, except for more nude pictures of obama’s mom and Michelle’s pictures when she played for the boys basketball team in grade school before her sex change.
If he had jumped from 30,000 feet into a 50 foot square net I would have taken notice.
That was awesome!
I can imagine the reporters’ questions:
How did it feel?
What were you thinking?
Will you try again with a smaller net?
My question would be. Are you out of your fooken mind?
Way cool. I’m sure his heart was thumping.
It’s a team of guys doing these kinds of things.
Your title is great.
I wasn’t going to read it cause I thought it was some
dumbass throwing a ball thru the net at 500 feet away.
This is what makes this a math story.
Someone had to really do some research on this one.
He’s lucky he didn’t catch a gust of wind and end up impaled on one of the booms holding that tiny-looking net.
What balls!
There’s only two things that fall out of the sky, birdshit and idiots.
“There’s only two things that fall out of the sky, birdshit and idiots. ”
That and iced, blue plane toilet water.
And frogs.
And fish.
And meteorites.
And that one angelic girl at the grocery store last week.