Suspected burglar dies after Alabama homeowner catches him breaking into his house, puts duct tape on his mouth and ties him to a tree  – IOTW Report

Suspected burglar dies after Alabama homeowner catches him breaking into his house, puts duct tape on his mouth and ties him to a tree 

Deputies said Nathanial Johnson, 68, caught Cleveland Jones Gully, 31, breaking into back door of his Alabama home on Friday night 

  • He chased Gully out of the house and then the intruder either fell or jumped off the back steps, authorities said
  • Johnson jumped on him, tied his hands behind his back, put duct tape on his mouth and tied him to a tree with masking tape and clothesline
  • He then called 911 and when sheriff’s deputies arrived about 10 minutes later, Gully was dead
  • Autopsy will be performed and no charges have been filed yet against Johnson

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20 Comments on Suspected burglar dies after Alabama homeowner catches him breaking into his house, puts duct tape on his mouth and ties him to a tree 

  1. Citizen’s arrest! Citizen’s arrest!

    (/Gomer voice)


    Mr. Johnson has some balls, and apparently keeps himself fit enough to overpower a man half his age. Kudos. But masking tape?? Must have run out of quack tape.

  2. So Gully’s uncle said that he was in shock, that Gully wasn’t a violent person that he knew of.
    And. . . . What the hell does not being violent have to do with breaking and entering and being a thief?
    It would be interesting to know what Gully’s uncle does/did for a living?
    And will Gully’s family sue Johnson (hehehe. he said “johnson”) over the death of their thieving didndu nuffin relative?
    And did Gully have any children (that lived) to pass his Stoopid Genes on to? Damn, the Gene Pool needs a good chlorine cleanout.

  3. When I was young my father and I came home to find three black men in
    our house. My dad was a deputy Sheriff and carried a .45 when off duty. he told them they had 5 seconds to leave.
    They did.
    He did not want to shoot someone in front of me.
    He knew who they were and picked them up later.
    After that day our Doberman Pinscher. Stayed in the house. Not outside.

  4. Have y’all seen the home that was being burgled?

    You ought to be shot for trying to steal from such a poor person.

    Hmm. Seems the Bible clears him. Ex:22:2: If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him.

    Intent DOES matter when it comes to homicide. Huge difference between manslaughter and murder and intent makes the difference.

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