Woman Bounced From Public University For Tweeting “All Lives Matter” – IOTW Report

Woman Bounced From Public University For Tweeting “All Lives Matter”

This isn’t quaint nor funny anymore. People’s lives are being ruined by these deranged power-lusters who’ve anointed the idiotic phrase “Black Lives Matter” the most sacrosanct phrase in America.

No, all black lives do not matter. Neither do all white lives, or yellow lives or red lives. In fact, the phrase All Lives Matter is equally stupid. In what context are we saying all lives matter? There are plenty of human beings alive today that should be exterminated from this planet.


A student government leader at the University of Houston was suspended for 50 days and ordered to attend a diversity seminar after she criticized the Black Lives Matter movement online.

Shortly after the July 7 shooting in Dallas that killed five officers, Rohini Sethi went on Facebook and opined “Forget #BlackLivesMatter; more like AllLivesMatter.” The statement was later deleted, but only after numerous UH students denounced it as incredibly offensive or even hateful.

“Just for her to say, ‘forget Black Lives Matter,’ is a punch in the stomach,” student Nala Hughes told a local press outlet at the time.

Sethi serves as the vice president of UH’s student government association (SGA), and several UH students demanded her immediate removal.

Instead of going through that arduous process, the student senate approved a measure giving SGA president Shane Smith exceptional one-time powers to punish Sethi as he saw fit. In response, Smith released a letter Friday outlining a set of five punishments for Sethi. The punishments include:

  • A 50-day suspension from SGA starting August 1. This suspension will be unpaid (she currently receives a stipend of about $700 a month).
  • A requirement to attend a three-day diversity workshop in mid-August.
  • A requirement to attend three “UH cultural events” each month from September through March, excluding December.
  • An order to write a “letter of reflection” about how her harmful actions have impacted SGA and the UH student body
  • An order to put on a public presentation Sept. 28 detailing “the knowledge she has gained about cultural issues facing our society.”

If Sethi refuses or fails any of the requirements, she will be kicked out of SGA entirely.


21 Comments on Woman Bounced From Public University For Tweeting “All Lives Matter”

  1. Leave that stupid university. We are all God’s children, therefore ALL lives matter. Blacks kill and about more unborn than any other color. Makes their motto useless.

  2. You can dialog with a crazy person. When you try, you will only get burned.

    Let them parade and wave their banners and post their crap and gain media coverage.

    Best advice is to ignore it and to consider the source.

    Their minds are all mixed up and permanently set, like concrete. Don’t argue with these block heads.

  3. The only group of lives that matter in entirety are baby lives, inside and outside the womb until the baby grows up enough to commit crimes or become a democrat.

  4. Of course all lives matter, but according to multiculturalism and political correctness some lives matter more than others which is total bs. If all lives mattered wouldn’t the blacks be trying to stop all the abortions that are killing their children. But the whitey liberals are the ones who’ve convinced them otherwise. And they say we’re the bad guys, I don’t think so.

  5. What Geoff said. She should have said, “if BlackLivesMatter, why aren’t #BLM protesting in front of the local #PP Planned Parenthood?”
    THERE’S your “kick in the guts”.

  6. This woman is of Indian heritage and very brown-skinned. She needs to sue the life out of this so-called university for bigotry against brown-skinned non- ‘African Americas’. Alumni need to help end this nonsense by cutting off any donations to their former schools. Let the $$$ do the talking,

  7. This pure Red Guard humiliation via self-criticism. The student should sue the University and Sethi personally. The actions of the SGA are possibly illegal, probably violate the University charter as well as the SGA charter. I would also recommend a letter to the State Higher Education authority as well as the Regional accrediting body.

  8. When applying for admission to any school of higher education, we need to ask right up front, “does my life matter here, or is it just the black lives that matter? And I’d like that answer in writing please.”

  9. I agree with the assertion that Black Lives Matter but draw the distinction between Black and Niggah. There’s a huge difference that isn’t being addressed. I don’t think that BLM is championing the cause for Allen West, Mia Love, Niger Innis, Milwaukee police chief David Clarke, Ben Carson and a whole host of others.

    They could possibly rebrand as NLM, but everyone knows that N lives don’t matter to other Ns.

    So it boils down to ‘we demand a race war and won’t be satisfied until we get one’. You’ll get one.
    At a time of our choosing, not yours.

  10. I don’t see a problem with this.
    It is just proves the superiority of capitalism over communism.
    In communist countries people are shipped to reeducation camps at public expense and forced into servitude.
    In capitalist countries people will assume a lifetime of debt to spend time in one, volunteering for servitude.

  11. This is just part of the Leftist power trip. They get to exert power over others – especially Conservative people – through these verbal prohibitions. Same for the “N” word. And others.

  12. > There are plenty of human beings alive today that should be exterminated from this planet.

    That is an affront to both The Nanny State, and those that chafe under Her bulk. It denigrates Universal Princesshood, and requires further expense to implement. How about I quit being volunteered to man the lifeguard tower, and we all just let things sort themselves out.

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