Syrian Payback – IOTW Report

Syrian Payback

Yesterday a Russian helicopter reportedly delivering humanitarian aid to the besieged city of Aleppo was shot down over rebel territory. All aboard were killed. This morning there are early reports that the nearby town of Saraqeb was gassed last night when containers were dropped from above.

More on the Shoot down Here

More on the alleged gas attack Here

More on Obama’s declaration of a military response to the alleged crossing of his red line  is Not Here (because it doesn’t exist)


10 Comments on Syrian Payback

  1. Maybe it was, maybe it “came out of the sky” or was launched by the rebels who are known to have gas munitions and improvised artillery delivery systems.

    Either way, the ONLY way to win against these animals is to be ruthless.

  2. Today’s NY Post has a photo of Syrian rebels dragging a Russian pilot by his feet through the desert, with five scumbags in skirts taking photos of the horror. I hope Putin has a quick answer for these bastards.

  3. but, but,…. obama’s red line ….. obama’s non-existent strategy … obama’s rules of engagement……..obama’s funding and arming of ISIS….. obama’s deal to give Iran the nuclear bomb……obama’s refugee program for terrorists.

    obama will surely get you killed.

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