How About Go F* Yourself, Pronoun Warriors – IOTW Report

How About Go F* Yourself, Pronoun Warriors

Administrators at The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has produced an extensive (though not exhaustive) list of new pronouns that every student should be ready to use if a class mate settles on one for him/ herself (see what I did there?).

The geniuses behind the list declare that the gender neutral pronouns are in the “interest of greater equality.” Which has me wondering, since when is the use of made up words in the interest of anyone, especially those who are supposed to know proper grammar when they graduate?



25 Comments on How About Go F* Yourself, Pronoun Warriors

  1. Yeah. Right. That will work up until the first time they get a hard nosed old school boss. And get fired for insisting that it’s their right to be Special Snowflake Twinkies.

    Or they run across some politically aware old fart asshole such as myself, who doesn’t give a wrinkle on a fat rat’s ass about being PC, and calls them something REALLY special. F**k Face or Ass Turd come immediately to mind.

  2. Quick story….

    Had a guy (former army) come into the PD to register as a sex offender. He was in the midst of a sex change and dressed like a woman. He wanted me to call him by his girl name instead of the male name on his ID and registry.

    When he saw that I wouldn’t, he joked that I could just call him “hey you”. Been calling him by his male name since.

  3. “interest of greater equality”. . . . . . .
    which means, what, exactly?
    I already treat everyone equally. Equally shitpickle, until you prove yourself to MY standards.

  4. You know, I seriously thought about this issue, since I had a student last year who told me that I was to refer to her as ‘they’. After biting back the ‘what are you, a hive mind?’ comment, I nodded, bewildered. And then I thought about it: I never refer to my students as anything other than ‘you’. The only time I talk about them is not going to be in their presence so…yeah. Don’t care. Not planning on starting.

  5. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I never went to college, but I have looked at that chart a couple times now and I can’t make heads or tails out of it. WTF does it say?

  6. I bet you it took ‘them’ all 4 years of college to come up with that list, during class. They knew they’ll eventually have to prove they learned Something at college because I bet they didn’t learn shit about Anything Else. I’m sooo glad they’re tuition loans are yuge.

  7. The left is always manipulating language. It’s a way to control our minds. Didn’t they try to invent a new language called Esperanto, which never caught on? Well, as usual, they’ve doubled down. I can’t wait for this generation to get into the workforce.

  8. I would not even consider any individual for employment who is so messed up. Imagine the endless headaches for trying to accommodate such insanity. One lesson of management is to fire qualified and normal people and it will go much smoother and with less drama.

    I hope THEY like coffee because that is all THEY will ever be smelling as THEY will be stuck as a Starbucks barista for the rest of THEIR messed up lives.

  9. @Braden Lynch – I’ve talked to several HR people at different companies and they trash-can the resumes of anyone with a “xyz Studies” degree, major OR minor. Right.In.The.Trash. Even STEM degrees unless they’re in the top 10% of their class. There’s no reason to invite headaches from either the snowflakes or the REAL workers who have to pick up the slack because these children can’t be expected to, you know, actually WORK for the paycheck. After all, it’s owed to them just for bothering to show up before noon.

  10. I am fully on board with this. My rules:

    On Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday mornings, I must be referred to by the pronouns in columns 2 or 5.

    On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I must be called “General Zod” in deference to my Superperson fascination.

    On Friday afternoons and Sundays, you may not speak to me at all.

    Saturday is a free day, and you can call me what you want.

    I hope this clears matters up.

  11. My son and I walked into a burger joint that’s an icon around these parts and stood at the counter. As I was ordering, a woman closer to my age asked my son if he had been helped yet.

    He answered “I’m with him”. Nodding in my direction. She came back with: “Lucky him!” We all giggled a bit. Yeah, he has those head turning good looks I lost some years ago.

    Then he said. “Well, I’m not with him. He’s my dad”. Which brought giggles to everybody within ear shot. Her: “Well, you never know now days!” Now there were 6 of us having a good time and I chimed in: “Wait a minute! I’m offended you used “him”. Don’t assume I’m ok with that!”

    The whole crowd laughed at the ridiculousness of this being a thing now.

    This has no support in the real world. Let’s not oblige their insanity when we come across it. I know I’ll make fun of it when it does, hoping to see them run and cry.

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