We’re at the point where it’s pointless to report islamic terror – IOTW Report

We’re at the point where it’s pointless to report islamic terror

There’s a bus torched in Paris’, Brooklyn’s broken out in fights, there’s a traffic jam in Harlem that’s backed up to Jackson Heights, there’s a scout troop short a child, Khrushchev’s due at Idlewild… Fourth estate where are you????

It doesn’t matter where the press is. The fact that muzzies firebombed a bus in Paris is meaningless. I don’t even want it reported, because the left will just keep saying it doesn’t really matter anyway.

The Crusades, or something

“What about the peaceful muslims?”

Yeah, what about them? How do they help the situation? They are inconsequential. They are nothing but cockblocks, preventing us from doing what needs to be done – sweeping the west clean of them.

For a few lone wolves, they are certainly making our finest law enforcement look like friggin’ morons, no? Commissioner Gordon and Chief O’Hara do a better job.

You can’t catch a few lone wolves?

HT/ Annie

14 Comments on We’re at the point where it’s pointless to report islamic terror

  1. Who ever is giving the marching orders to our so called world leaders has them in a trance ( yea that’s it) or maybe they’ve sworn alleagence to some cult. Whatever it is the leaders are setting the world up for great wars and loss of life. So sad!

  2. Progressivism is a political philosophy that is totally invested in increased innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    The progressive movement was totally backing the National Socialists as they rose in stature and consolidated their power in the 1920’s and 30’s and they were Hitler’s base of support. Read their contemporary periodical literature from that era if you doubt this.

    Radical Islamist have provided the foot soldiers to wage this campaign of suffering, misery and death since the the very beginning of the of the progressive movement, why would anyone expect that to be any different today?

    Learn history and contemporary events are explained quite well.

  3. ronterf, the elites are using our lives to bargain with muslims for the lives of elites. They think they can stave off the jihad, or at least insulate themselves from it. It may take planeloads of laundered money and busloads of charred corpses, but they will have peace in their time, if not ours.

  4. The west won’t fight back until they kill a current democrat western leader. Only then will 0bama finish swallowing whoever he had in his mouth and be outraged. Sorta.

    It’s going to take one of smaller nations of Europe to fight back hard and brutal before the rest will do anything.

  5. “It’s going to take one of smaller nations of Europe to fight back hard and brutal before the rest will do anything. ”

    Or Patriots and Red Necks on our soil after we start looking like France and Germany.

  6. MJA, why wake a risky shot at fame by targeting the hardened defenses of a single elite, when you can get instant fame by killing a score of peons with a box truck or a pressure cooker? These lone wolves are not alone at all. If their minders wanted Christine LaGarde blown up they would have to do extra planning and surveillance, which leads to greater risk of exposure and arrest. We are soft and easy targets.

    Now, if the press ignores dead peons too much, the terrorists might up their game and go after some minor “high value targets” to refocus the attention of the elites. But nobody in the top echelon. That would violate the tacit agreement.

  7. The progressives, (commies) are firm believers that the enemy of their enemy is their friend. They probably figure once they have control they’ll be able to bargain with the jihadists or use them.
    The liberal media probably see lots of special treatment in their future.

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