Hillary Vows To Raise Taxes on the Middle-Class and Her Audience Applauds Wildly!!!! – IOTW Report

Hillary Vows To Raise Taxes on the Middle-Class and Her Audience Applauds Wildly!!!!

ht/ Annie

26 Comments on Hillary Vows To Raise Taxes on the Middle-Class and Her Audience Applauds Wildly!!!!

  1. This looks like the event she had to fill with high school students that theoretically can’t vote yet.
    Trump needs to get on his game and spend some money and get this into a commercial in the swing states ASAP.

  2. She didn’t say that.
    She didn’t mean to say that.
    She was misquoted.
    The right wing are twisting her words.
    That’s what was on the telpromter.
    Chris Matthews will ‘splain what she meant.

  3. Entirely possible it was a Freudian slip and she meant to say the upper class.

    Either way – she meant what she said.

    Plus, it’s one of those moments a super rich person says TAX THE RICH!! OK, bitch, cough it up and kick in all you got since you think you have too much. Asshole. This is beyond pandering.

  4. Must be what she told Goldman Sachs in all those speeches she won’t release.

    No Doctor Evil uniform with this crowd. Just look at her downscale getup and lank hair. Is that her Spartan Socialist costume or her Coal Miner’s Daughter costume? Must be the former, since she weren’t a’talkin lak a hillbilly.

  5. watch closely…”aren’t”…she said “aren’t”.
    I know this, because everything this woman has ever said is a lie.
    So she claims she’s not going to raise taxes – why should she start telling the truth now?

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