Yawn… Knife Attack in London By… Yawn… Suspected Muslims – IOTW Report

Yawn… Knife Attack in London By… Yawn… Suspected Muslims

Wake me when anyone with any stones is going to a damn thing about any of this. Why do we keep reporting these stories as if this is the incident that “changes everything!”?

We have a candidate that is fed up with muslims and everyone is jumping down his throat because he’s not going to let some pakistani shariah law-loving sh!tstain dictate our muslim immigration policy because he had a son who died fighting for the United States. SO WHAT???????

What does that mean? Every parent of a dead soldier gets to stand on a soap box to wild applause and dictate government policy unchallenged? Why are people normally of sound mind falling for this line of shit?

(By the way, Trump never said a coarse word about the soldier.)

Wanna read about the latest Khan to maim and stab in the name of allah and sharia law? Yeah, yeah, it hasn’t been confirmed that it’s a muslim. How much do you want to wager with me?

Here’s the story.

Have fun.

Be outraged.

Vote for Hillary.


15 Comments on Yawn… Knife Attack in London By… Yawn… Suspected Muslims

  1. At some point (soon! soon!) a wanna-be mass murdering mohammadman will pull out his AK or AR or whatever, and yell Allahu Ak… but will get cut short by BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! as multiple concealed carriers thoroughly ventilate him.

    I hope it happens in a designated victim disarmament (a/k/a “gun free”) zone and the POTG⁹ have carried there anyway, statutes and signage be damned.

    9. People Of The Gun

  2. Uncle Al, I was in a large, indoor mall today, getting the battery changed on my Mac. Inoticed myself keeping an eye out for exits and escape routes in the areas I went through. Maybe its the Daniel Silva book I just finished. Maybe not.

  3. Al, that ccw quick draw is becoming an art form. There’s guys drawing and shooting two rounds in 7 tenths. Much quicker than the amount of time it take to mutter Ahola Snack Bar.

  4. No muzzrat suspect name released yet? Not even the UK Daily Mail has a named suspect. Oh, right. It’s a “knife attack”; similar to the “truck attack”, “machete attack”, “bomb attack”, etc. Just inanimate objects on the rampage.

  5. “…he had a son who died fighting for the United States.” I call bullshit.

    Listen, Big, do you have any idea why the son of a devout Moslem would want to join the US Military?

    I’ll wager he joined to disrupt and demoralize his fellow soldiers. After all, his old man had been peddling US Citizenship for sale, until Trump accidentally lifted Khan’s skirt and exposed his lady bits. That Sharia-Rally Web site disappeared faster than a fart in a wind storm.

    I love your last three lines. I conclude that America is waiting for someone to put out our lights. 🙁

  6. dark skinned attacker arrived removed crash helmet , slashed one women to death , put 5 in hospital ,arrested , motorbike seen driving away at speed ! 3 other men seen running away , victims Spanish tourists , police say not Islamic terror say “knife ” had mental illness issues ! move on ! [ed uk ]

  7. It’s a similar tactic as implemented by Bill Clinton back in the 90s. Drip Drip Drip. Chinese water torture to wear people down.

    The Clintons implemented the 24 hour news cycle and had a constant drip drip drip of outrageous scandals and outrageous leftist behavior, each time it was “This has to be the one we get them on!” And that hasn’t changed with them or with the left.

    The goal is to make the conservatives become numb to the left so we accept it and give up or drive us crazy so we snap and have an uprise. Either way THEY win.

    The muslims are attacking the west like clockwork, a constant drip drip drip to make us numb. OR, drive us to a war, which they are fine with.

    They’re fine with it because THEY look forward to dying for their cause.

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