Lyin’ Hillary – The Only Video You Ever Need To Send To Anyone To Show Them Hillary’s Character – IOTW Report

Lyin’ Hillary – The Only Video You Ever Need To Send To Anyone To Show Them Hillary’s Character

12 Comments on Lyin’ Hillary – The Only Video You Ever Need To Send To Anyone To Show Them Hillary’s Character

  1. How can the democrat party be so morally bankrupt as to allow her to represent them in any position? How can people that care for her (if there is anyone) allow her to run, she clearly is not well? How in the world can 50% of the voting population consider her a viable candidate that has the interests of this nation as her primary concern?

  2. “How in the world can 50% of the voting population consider her a viable candidate that has the interests of this nation as her primary concern?”

    joe6pak, may want to start at how they are dumbing down America in the schools.

    Maybe the tsunami of propaganda from all corners lying to America after that.

    Then maybe take a look at the gimme-free-shit army built after 5 decades of subsidized laziness.

  3. These folks KNOW they can get away with anything because 1) the press will cover for them and 2) the democrats don’t care. That’s how Obama can claim that a pallet of unmarked cash, delivered via an unmarked plane in the middle of the night is not a payoff for hostages. They’re not even TRYING to be sly.

  4. What the H does “short circuited” mean? Nothing! If you listen to or read the transcript of her answer she talks in circles and makes absolutely no sense.

  5. “How can the democrat party be so morally bankrupt as to allow her to represent them in any position?”

    Because she’s a bought and paid for agent of globe-spanning powers, just as Obama and many others are.

    “How can people that care for her (if there is anyone) allow her to run, she clearly is not well? How in the world can 50% of the voting population consider her a viable candidate that has the interests of this nation as her primary concern?”

    They’re stupid.

    Once generations have been systematically rendered intellectually subpar, the desire to remain ignorant in the face of a complex, uncomfortable, scary world comes quite naturally. Worse, they literally cannot understand and do not like anyone who does not think as they do.

  6. Also, the power-hungry appeal to the lazy, ignorant and stupid because the lazy, ignorant and stupid desire to be led by the powerful. It’s a sick symbiosis but it seems to work for them.

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