Insufferable Moron Bloggers – IOTW Report

Insufferable Moron Bloggers


59 Comments on Insufferable Moron Bloggers

  1. It’s amazing how many #NTs are crying about how the press is attacking Trump. How absurd. Any Republican nominee would have been attacked just as viciously as Trump has. McLame was the media darling labeled the “Maverick” because of how he bucked GOP leadership in the Senate to side with Democrats. As soon as he was the nominee, he was dragged through the mud like nobody’s business.

    Reagan and GW were labeled dumb idiots who were going to get us into World War 3. Romney was this 1% elite who didn’t care about 47% of the people.

    The line of attack would have varied if it was Cruz, Rubio, etc etc, but the media would still be attacking like a pack of vicious hyenas.

  2. Funny thing is, if you go to the 2012 archives for a lot of the NT bloggers you will find pre-election posts about how voting 3rd party or staying home only helps Obama and that while Mitt wasn’t anyone’s 1st choice we need to support the GOP nominee, and then there were a bunch of lost-election posts excoriating those who stayed home or voted for Gary pothead. I’m considering digging those up to throw at the NTers who were my pals before they ditched me because I don’t have TDS and no longer pass their purity tests.

  3. NO NT’ers are crying about press attacks on your Establishment boy Biff. They predicted it from day one, it was obvious.

    You Trump-humpers are delusional.

    Look at the fuckin’ idiot that can’t even follow our point. -bfh

  4. Notice they’re not talking about rabid NeverTrumper Huelskamp losing his primary? When they do report it they say it’s an anti-Tea Party sentiment.

    Dianny’s right: Douchebags

  5. NeverMittens and NeverTrump are one and the same. They’ll just as soon give it to cankles as the did with Muslim Brotherhood Bestie Obama. They say its because of principles. I say they like to bitch and moan.

    I want my daughter to live in the USA, not the FTUSA (fundamentally Transformed). Get over yourselves.

  6. BFH – Your point is stupid. It doesn’t reflect reality, only your self-deluded fantasies.

    NT’ers are LAUGHING at you losers.

    What’s happening to Biff is what you were warned would happen. He’s the personification of loser.

    Morons. Truly blind fools.

  7. So much smug in one commenter. Keep blathering, silly. You’re only proving everything folks are saying about the NT crowd. You guys want so badly to be vindicated for everything you claim to have been saying all along, you really do not give a crap if Hillary Clinton becomes President of the United States — so long as you can stand smugly on the sidelines and LOL at how right you were. And you call us morons.

    If only you guys would focus your energies at stopping that felonious bitch from ever getting into the White House, you might be of use. But you don’t want to be of use. You just want to do your “LAUGHING” while the country is on the brink. And in your self-righteous smugness, you blindly believe that your idiotic crusade against Donald Trump won’t aid and abet a Hillary presidency.

    And you call those of us fighting to keep Hillary out of the White House “blind fools?”

    Oh, sweetie. There’s just so much fool in you, I don’t know how you don’t leave the house and have a piano drop on your head.

  8. We warned you idiots, but you betrayed America and chose a moronic life-long Democrat, Hillary-donating loser. I’m starting to think you Trump-humpers are actually in the tank FOR Hillary. You morons don’t want to win.

    Buncha left-wing rat-bastard commie traitors – the whole bunch of you.

    Good luck with your big-government, Establishment, Democrat Lord-and-savior Biff.

  9. I just picture him furiously searching a thesaurus for just the right words to spit out at everyone who disagrees with him. Getting angrier and angrier by the minute. Rushing back to the comments section of some NeverTrump site to brag about what a tough guy he is and how he really told us off. Feeling ever more smug with each passing minute.

  10. “Notice they’re not talking about rabid NeverTrumper Huelskamp losing his primary? When they do report it they say it’s an anti-Tea Party sentiment.”

    According to Rush (take it for what it’s worth to you) the guy was not and never was NeverTrump. He opposed Boehner/the establishment GOP at every turn and that’s what cost him. The media, with GOP compliance, is pushing the story that he lost because of Trump, somehow.

  11. Notice how we leave the morons post up on this site? unlike the idiot crowd that he agrees/hangs/associates with.. “They” would sure as hell either delete one of our comments or gray it out.. That’s what make us better than “them”.

  12. Dianny –

    “And you call those of us fighting to keep Hillary out of the White House “blind fools?””

    Yes – because you are NOT fighting to keep Hillary out of the WH. Instead you chose a scumbag Hillary-supporting Democrat who is too stupid to win anything, unless he strong-arms some little guy out of his property to build another Biff casino.

    Welcome to Team Hillary, moron. You look like idiots. It’s hard not to laugh.

  13. Blind Fool, Three Justices, Gun Rights, Vets, Military Strength, Economy, Obamacare, Bad Trade Deals, Infrastructure, Tax Reform, Imigration. All topics liberals like yourself disagree with. You are a Traitor. Move to France ass bite

  14. No, what stings is your dick when you pee.

    Hun, if you’re that upset with us, you are free to leave and go play with the redstaters or whatever. You’re a tad too hysterical for us… I don’t know how we’ll go on, but we’ll survive. lol

  15. That’s some weak shit by the “Fool”. This is like arguing with the brain dead. He’s either 10 or the performed the Labotomy the wrong direction . I’m done with the Right Poop freak.

  16. Fur, are you implying that Conservatives are idiots?
    Pray tell me, how does alienating them help Trump?
    I guarantee you that if you convince all Conservatives to not vote for Trump, he will lose.
    This is a time when we need to come together and win.
    Conservatives are not sheep and cannot be herded.
    They are more like cats. Bring out a whip, and they will scatter. Bring out a tin of tuna and your problem will become being rid of them.

  17. I don’t think the particular conservatives we’re talking about care about treats or whips. They’re just reacting to what they didn’t get and are doubling down each day. No one knows what they’ll do until voting day, and they probably don’t know either.

  18. “Conservatives are not sheep and cannot be herded.
    They are more like cats”

    Well we agree there, and that’s a big problem when it comes to getting the “better” candidate in office

  19. Let me break the graphic down for you so that you’ll understand it.

    Wayyyyy back in the day, none of you NeverTrump people were vociferously against Trump.
    Not even Ben Shapiro. He wrote that Trump was “the perfect candidate.” (Look it up. Trump has not changed one policy position since Ben wrote that piece. What changed? Trump or Ben?)

    Trump had his role in the primaries. He taught you do-nothing types that Bush was not an inevitability.
    If it wasn’t for Trump you’d have Jeb now because of continual, do-nothing ineffectual limp-wrists who simply accepted what the GOP threw at you.
    Want proof?

    16 people were trotted out on the GOP stage and, guess what? Lord Cruz was not anything special.
    I searched The Right Scoop going back a year and there are articles about Ted Cruz that mention him as “just another candidate.”
    Scott Walker and Ben Carson were getting more ink.
    Strange considering his nuts are gargled daily over there.

    The arc of Trump was
    “we love him”
    “go get him, Donald”
    “Oh, look, Jeb’s faltering,”
    “Hey, this Trump guy is smashing the system”
    “Oh my, Trump is leading”
    “Wait, Trump looks like he might win”
    “Hey, I want MY GUY TO WIN.”
    “I didn’t think this was possible that anyone else could win because I’m a giant load of shit that has never gotten anything done.”
    “I don’t want Trump… I want… (who’s left?) CRUZ… that’s right , Ted Cruz.”
    “Hey GOP, please ram Ted Cruz down everyone’s throat.”

    That’s the arc.
    And in that arc there was a time when you cheeseteeth do-nothings were saying “just wait until Trump wins, the media will CRUCIFY him with all the dirt they have stored up!!!”

    Well, it turns out there is no dirt. So now the media, the hated left-wing media, has to resort to reacting to stupid moments, like telling a woman she should have the baby removed.”

    The media reports it, and assholes repeat it as if it is the most egregious thing ever!!! WORSE THAN HILLARY!!!!!!
    Because you so badly need Trump to lose you are aligning with the devil (the left-wing media) and egging them on, applauding them, and wholly agreeing that, for instance, telling off a Muslim that uses his son as a shield to condemn right-wing positions on refugee importation is a bad thing.

    It doesn’t bother you that Trump’s position is the correct position and Ted cruz agrees with that position, yet you agree with the left-wing media that Trump should be excoriated for telling a dad that losing a son 12 years ago doesn’t mean he gets to quash Trump (and Cruz’s) plan?

    Please detail all the things that makes Donald Trump WORSE THAN HILLARY.

    – Stick to his policies.
    – Try not to type nothing burgers like “he flip flops.” (He flip flops from what? Extreme right-wing positions to right-wing positions?
    Alert me to when he flops over to Hillary’s point of view.)
    – Try to resist the temptation to call him Cheeto colored, or toupeed, or any other completely stupid criticism that doesn’t mean shit to any serious discussion.

    Try and articulate your positions so they make sense.
    You’re doing horribly.

  20. Brad, it’s not like you ever need an excuse to start drinking earlier….
    MJA, unlike Brad and yourself, I am a Conservative so I take a bit of offense at being dumped on this particular dung heap.
    The attack was against Conservatives, not ‘particular’ ones. Otherwise they would have been named.
    I am not a Trump fan, you all know that, but at the moment, he is all we have.
    So unlike you people intent on driving voters away, I want him to win. Begrudgingly.

  21. Fur, are you implying that Conservatives are idiots?>>

    Conservative is in quotes on the hat.
    I do not consider NeverTrump conservatives.
    A conservative would block Hillary at all costs and not try and elevate Trump short-comings to apocalyptic proportions.

    And I will be holding them responsible if Hillary wins because they are working so hard to get Hillary to win.

  22. Fur, are you on drugs?
    First of all, are Trumps policy positions what he says they are, or what the guy who created his website says they are?
    For, if they are what he says they are, they have changed on a regular basis. If they are what the website says, why aren’t we voting for that guy?
    Anyway, that is not my point and I won’t let you knock me off of it.
    Trump needs every vote he can get. We all know why the race is close, and finding another villain to attack won’t change things. We need to find common ground rather than reasons to boot more people out of the tent.
    Yes, it means giving up a little ground to win.
    Oh hell. Maybe winning means something different to you than it does to me.
    If Hillary wins, and you keep those trash Conservatives from sullying Trump, does that count as a win?

  23. OK, I was biting my tongue, but Blind Fools writing style is all to familiar. That’s all I’m saying. JohnS, ultimately might makes right. So when it comes to me, you will always be wrong.

  24. Oh EYE’m not a conservative? Oh dear. And you accused ME of assuming things a few days ago… But here YOU do it, because you don’t understand the graphic when everyone else got it. Or do you understand it and are trying to derail the topic at hand?
    As if we don’t want ANY conservative voting to block Hillary, but that’s not going to work here.

    And I’m not here to drive anyone away. No sweet child, I’m a conservative. I’m here talking shit about their behavior. See? There’s a difference. And you’re here just to make accusations and to be smug while I’m talking about their behavior.
    It’s so OLD. Seriously.

  25. Brad;
    Unlike some of the cowards that post here, I use my real name and post from a fixed IP address that I own.
    Are you willing to be man enough to do that, or, maybe, are you the troll you are accusing me of being?

  26. JohnS, you are fool of shit. Don’t even start with the fixed IP. You were busted by everyone here. Even the Russians were on to your shit.

    No Brad. John is not anyone but John. In that regard he has integrity. He is not sock-puppeting. -bfh

  27. Listen, Blind Fool, here is my position and it’s the righteous one.
    I invite you to try and rebut it in a rational way.

    Even if I stipulated that your absurd characterizations of Trump are correct, that what we are left with in Trump is a person that is EXACTLY LIKE HILLARY, I’m still voting for Trump.

    Because I have worked tirelessly for 8 years detailing, documenting, commenting on and editorializing about every evil and corrupt thing these goddamn Clintons have been getting away with and she is not going to get a job promotion to the highest position on planet earth on MY WATCH. That’s why.
    And if you can stomach that, watching her inauguration, you have something seriously wrong with you, you fucking imbecile.
    You haven’t been paying attention, at least not intently enough to be infuriated by the possibility of this cunt being my president.

    You’ve lathered yourselves up, you and your ilk, hypnotizing yourselves that Trump is WORSE!!!!

    He was a private citizen.
    What did he do to make your life any different?
    What fucking ax do you have to grind about Trump, you daffy loon?

    Just stfu and get out of here. I’m trying to block an un-indicted felon from being the commander-in-chief.
    What the fuck are you doing?
    Sabotaging Trump to carry Cruz’s torch, you damn fool.

  28. JohnS’ problem is, he can’t STAND that Trump was nominated. So whatever good thing Trump does or doesn’t do, writes on his own blog, or someone makes an info graphic, or video, or leaflet… It is going to be a problem for JohnS.
    JohnS is the clear thinking one.
    JohnS is the CONSERVATIVE.
    Not like all of you guys.
    JohnS is doing YOU a favor by voting for Trump.
    Wow. JohnS is so benevolent!
    And not at all smug!
    blah blah blah All hail JohnS!

    There, does that make you feel better?
    I hope you like the can of tuna I set out for you.

  29. Brad, you know even less about this topic than you do of gun laws and metal working.
    Ask Fur, he didn’t tell me who the jackass was, and I didn’t ask.
    Was it you? That wouldn’t surprise me.

  30. We need to find common ground rather than reasons to boot more people out of the tent.>>

    Oh, fuck off you damn Moby.
    I’m not kicking anyone out of the tent, I’m attacking people who are aiding and abetting Hillary.

    I’m in no mood for you tonight.
    I have lots on my mind. I don’t need a damn psycho playing good cop /bad cop like I’m an idiot.

  31. MJA.
    Try as you might, I am going to vote for Trump (with nose held).
    You might be able to convince me otherwise, as you probably have many others, but you haven’t run me off yet.

  32. PS: Hey Fisheyed Fool, JohnS, you don’t want to vote for Trump? Makes me no never mind.

    But JohnS, just spare us your ‘I’ll vote for him but I’m going to make you all PAY for my vote!!!” So tiring and childish. Are you like this at home? ‘I’ll do it, but I’m gonna be an asshole about it..”

    You act as if you’re the only one here who has a problem with Trump [big or small] but they’re still voting for him. But for some reason, you’re the only one with a stick up your ass about it.

  33. Brad,
    For the record, and this is not at all “taking sides,” John S. uses one IP, he’s registered here with a working e-mail address, and I know his name.

    On that front he’s clean.

    Now, debate him on the merit of his arguments and let’s not get all personal.
    To me these are ideas that are being debated, not people.

    When I say “you fucking idiot” I mean everyone like them. Not one person in particular.

    All in all, and this might not be popular right now, John is reasonable person with his emails.
    I don’t agree with his comments, I’m not fond of his style, and I think he’s pulling some sort of mind-fuck right now.
    But that can be fun sometimes.
    Not tonight.

  34. OK BFH. I am just reporting from the other camp.
    Most over there fear doing it because of the pounding they get.
    Mark my word. This kind of thing is the reason Trump is struggling against a person who is, without a doubt, the weakest candidate ever presented.
    The enemy is not the people in our party that are jockeying for position and influence. That is part of the process.
    Once you identify the enemy, it can be vanquished.
    Attacking your brother as the hordes are tearing at the walls is a recipe for defeat.

  35. John,
    I’m getting an Uncle Remus vibe from you right now.

    Are you trying to say that NEVERTRUMP, the people who are relishing every little tidbit and nugget the left-wing media throws at Trump, often reblogging it and getting chubbies and having their mouth water over it, are waiting for me to say some magic words so they will vote for Trump? Something kind, something written on a can of tuna, perhaps?

    You’re kidding, right?

    What are those magic words?
    I’ll fly a plane and skywrite it.

    Tell me.

  36. Forgive me, but you sound an awful lot like a guy who doesn’t want me excoriating NeverTrump for fear that I might shame some of them into seeing the light.

    I can think of no other reason for your concern.

    Saying that I’m damaging Trump for going after fucktards who have vowed to never vote for Trump sounds plain weird.
    And frankly, your argument is weaker than watermelon soup, so I am going to continue to attack them.

  37. “For the record, and this is not at all “taking sides,” John S. uses one IP, he’s registered here with a working e-mail address, and I know his name.”

    Maybe. But I searched for a licensed electrical contractor in Oakland with a name of John S. Nada. Not that far away and I’m down there quite often. Was going to stop by an meet. On the other hand, I’m real easy to find.

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