Liberal Apostate Is Embarrassed and Fed up With the Behavior and Low Intelligence of His Brethren – IOTW Report

Liberal Apostate Is Embarrassed and Fed up With the Behavior and Low Intelligence of His Brethren

This ex-liberal says he’s left the reservation, not necessarily because of the individual ideas of progressivism, but because, frankly, the people are so stupid.

This is a great rant.

11 Comments on Liberal Apostate Is Embarrassed and Fed up With the Behavior and Low Intelligence of His Brethren

  1. I appreciate his ability to be honest, but the “..not necessarily because of the individual ideas of progressivism” bit, I don’t know.

    That’s too bad, because progressivism (as it is presented) leads precisely to this kind of behavior. It always comes down to the point of a gun, by any means necessary. Or is he dismissing that part?

  2. The (wacky) Left has become a hollow, burned out caricature of itself.

    Leftists are like a reflecting pond. A thousand-feet long, 300-feet wide, and 3-inches deep!!!!

  3. I’ve never had a confrontation with these bozos in a park, only on the Internet.

    In 2013, there was a spectacular apartment fire near Yankee Stadium in The South Bronx. It received national news coverage. The family living there consisted of a mother, father, and six young children. Three of the children, including an infant twin, perished in the blaze. Over the next few days, much information came out about the circumstances under which the fire started.

    The cause of the fire was knocked-over candles. Con Ed, the local utility, had shut off the household’s electricity because the account had nearly $10,000 in arrears. The Red Cross had actually visited the home to offer help, but the mother refused it, going to the store to buy candles instead.

    I posted a comment on the CNN website in which I stated that I was truly sorry to hear of the loss of three young, innocent lives, but added that I felt the woman really had no one to blame but herself. A person who is too broke to pay the electric bill has no business, first of all, having six children. And the amount of her arrears–which would have paid my Con Ed bills going back two decades–also indicated to me a pattern of reckless waste of electricity. That apartment must have had the television going every waking minute, and the A/C on full blast 24/7 from May through October. The woman was morally wrong in allowing her pride to prevent her from accepting the help of The Red Cross, and she then compounded that by purchasing candles instead of flaslights as an alternative light source.

    If this had been a crowd, I would have been lynched. Despite not having mentioned the family’s race in my post, dozens of loos piled on to say I was “racist.” The fact is, I would have been equally harsh in my assessment of ANY woman, regardless of race, under the same circumstances. One moron chimed in with an off-the-cuff comment about “grinding poverty and opulent wealth existing mere blocks from each other in the South Bronx.” I had to shut this fool down immediately with a comment telling him he didn’t know WTF he was talking about, since NOBODY of means has lived in The South Bronx for the past half-century. (The only truly wealthy, 1%-type neighborhood in The Bronx is North Riverdale, with its stunning mansions on beautifully landscaped grounds.)

    Prior to this I only thought libs were crazy. Now I know they’re also dumb as dog shit.

  4. Oh I forgot the best part. A few months after the fire, the maternal grandfather came to Family Court seeking guardianship of the surviving children. With absolutely no prompting from me, he confirmed all the impressions that I had put in my post on the CNN site. He also added that the mother was now pregnant again. With twins. Meaning that the woman would have given birth the eight children before she turned 30.

    I swear, libs are the biggest fucking assholes on the planet.

  5. ‘Racist leave the park’! says the person who said the park is for black and brown people only. It must be very liberating to not have 2 brain cells to rub together. You can literally say anything with a straight face and not feel bad about it.

  6. If it’s black, the low intelligence, prone to violence behavior is a given. It was spectacullary on display in the clips this guy played.

    The Irony-it hurtz.

    It reminds of that famous sign that says, Behead those who say Islam is violent

  7. They’re not just stupid, they’re aggressively so. They want to beat their stupidity into everyone who looks different from themselves whether they agree with them or not.

  8. It reminds me of the videos of Mao’s red army kids abusing and humiliating their own parents in public because the parents had been Chiang Kai-shek supporters.

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