Speedy Recovery Joe Dan – IOTW Report

Speedy Recovery Joe Dan

Bubba’s Brother alerted me to Gina Loudon’s tweet about Intellectual Froglegs host Joe Dan Gorman.

Pinko called me the other day and said Joe Dan told him that “he thought” he might have had a heart attack.

Wellllllllll ->

The stress of Trump versus Clinton is getting to poor Dan.

So I am imploring you all —– VOTE FOR TRUMP. DO IT FOR DAN!

(How’s that for a shield? We can play that game!)

30 Comments on Speedy Recovery Joe Dan

  1. God Speed Joe Dan.

    This admin has been hell for hearts, livers and kidneys, not to mention knees which need to be dropped to daily asking for forgiveness and patience as we try to right the ship of state that was pirated in 2008

  2. He “thought” he may have had a heart attack?! Joe Dan, if you’re reading this, I implore you to make sure!!

    Love you so much, Joe Dan! This November won’t be the same without your IFL video to cap it all!! You’ve given so many of us a reason to fight on.

  3. Loco (and everyone else for that matter) – google “CoQ10 heart attack” and you might be surprised that a supplement is actually getting good reviews from traditional medicine that is generally of the opinion that all supplements are a waste of money. CoQ10 is believed to help prevent heart attacks and damage to the heart muscle from a heart attack, and has been used in Japan for decades by prescription to treat heart failure and strokes.

    It’s available a lot cheaper online than buying it at your local store.

  4. That’s good advice Bubba’s Brother. Very good advice.

    I like the liquid CoQ-10 With L-Carnitine.

    Astragalus is good for the heart and lungs too. And fish oil.

  5. Hope Joe has a full and quick recovery.
    I started this summer off on a health kick exercise wise. That has turned into a dietary kick with exercise secondary. A new believer that food is medicine. Been eating a lot of fermented foods and bone broth lately. My diet hasn’t been well for years, I have difficulty with a healthy appetite, when most people would eat I starve myself. Recently became concerned about a major event, my body was signaling a crash. Things are better now, I just have to be persistent and honest with myself which is sometimes very challenging. Gave up coffee and sugar, cut way back on beer and nicotine, rebuilding my gut shows progress. A side benefit is reduced stress and overall happier, plus much better mental focus, and BFH doesn’t have to deal with me drunken blogging so much. Hang in there guys, we can do it together.

  6. Glad you’re still around, Joe Dan. I had a heart attack myself a few years ago, and if you’re around to talk about it, you’re doing pretty good! Take care of yourself, my prayers are with you.

  7. Time for a lifestyle change brother. I can recommend 2 books:
    My Beef with Meat, by Rip Esselstyn; and Dr. Neal Barnards Program for Reversing Diabetes without drugs. I turned around high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar levels in 5-6 months. Lost about 67 lbs as well. Best of luck….

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